One another

“This I command you, that you love one another.” John 15:17

One another – There is an amazing secret hidden in the grammar of this word.  It is never used as a subject and it is never used in the singular.  The Greek word allelon is always the object of an action and always plural.

Consider for a moment the implications of this tiny grammatical fact.  Jesus’ leadership shows us that love always extends itself to others.  Love is never an action that focuses attention on the subject.  It is always moving outward toward another person.  And love is never exclusive.  It is always aimed at all other followers.

“Playing favorites” is a game that we all know.  We learned it as children when we had our special friends, our own clique or our gang.  We used that game over and over to make our way through the work world, picking out those friends who could give us something in return.  But this game is of no value at all in Jesus’ kingdom.  His leadership calls us to put aside our divisions and make all his followers the objects of our efforts to serve.  It doesn’t matter what role they play.  Janitor, receptionist, manager, CEO, teacher, pupil, child, mother, wife, clerk – no position or occupation is outside the scope of allelon.

It doesn’t matter how our efforts to serve are received.  Embraced or rejected, the call is the same.  Make loving others the object of your life.  It’s not about you.  It’s about them.

Transforming your motivations and intentions will require re-evaluation of every aspect of your thinking and behavior.  This is not optional.  Jesus does not make a suggestion or offer a self-improvement tip.  He commands it.  If you are going to follow him, you must become one who loves others.  In order to do that, you must begin by making him the object of your love, and letting him become the source and power of your very being.

Think about your direction.  Is it outward toward others or inward toward you?  Is it singular or plural?  Time to decide.

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