
“If I do not wash you, you have no part with me.” John 13:8

With – There are several Greek words that could be translated by the English word “with”.  If we don’t understand the difference between these Greek words, we might think that they mean the same thing.  But the nuances are important.  Here the text uses the word meta.  This word means, “to be in the company of or to be among.”  There is another word for “with” (sun) which means, “to be in union or to be one together.”  Now you can see the difference.   Jesus is telling his disciples that without humility they cannot be among his company.   Humility is an essential part of fulfilling the purposes of being a servant leader.  Humility places you among others.

Think of the difference these two words might make in your work environment.  You can be sun (joined) to the organization but still not be meta (participating among) those who serve with you.  You can be sun (joined) to your family but not be meta (participating among) your spouse and children.  You can be attached in name only.  But if you are going to be meta, you will need to be an active, participating part of the whole.  And Jesus tells us that in order to be a meta participant, you must first embrace personal humility.  Humility is the hallmark of identification.

We have all experienced those who are in the group but are not really part of the group.  They are with us but they really aren’t there.  They have their own agenda, their own rules and their own objectives.  A servant leader cannot operate on the sun basis of work.  A servant leader must jump into the midst, be among, be in the company of and become a dynamic part of the group.  We have an idiom that expresses the need:  “Are you with me?”  A servant leader has a quick and ready answer:  “Yes, count me in!  I’m part of you.”

Jesus made it clear.  Meta is the preposition of humility.  It is the preposition of identity.  It is the preposition of fulfilling His calling.

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