
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;”  Ephesians 2:8

Gift – Today we’ll go for a swim in the ocean.  Oh, yeah, I see those red flags.  But they are just for wimps.  Forget them.  Yeah, I hear the lifeguard calling.  Something about a rip tide.  But what does he know.  He’s just an employee.  Come on.  Let’s get out there with the big ones.  Don’t tell me you’re tired.  What’s the matter with you?  You chicken or something?  Hey, hey.  Wait.  Wait.  I’m getting sucked under.  Help!  Help!

But it’s too late.

God’s gift is not like going to a birthday party or opening presents at Christmas.  God’s gift is not earned and it is also not deserved.  We did everything possible to push away His warnings, to ignore His rules, to spurn His care.  We decided that we could run our own lives better.  And we all drown.  God’s gift is for total losers.  It is only good for the dead.

The Greek word doron places emphasis on the completely free nature of the gift.  There is another Greek word that emphasizes the giver, but here the focus is on present itself.  Why does this verse put emphasis on the gift instead of on God, the giver?  Because Paul wants us to see that SOZO (remember yesterday’s lifeguard) is the absolutely essential gift of life.  There is only one critical thing needed when someone is pulled from the water.  Bring that person back to life!  Quickly!  Every second counts!  Unless the victim begins to breathe soon, death will win.  This gift is won through a battle.  And when the victim coughs and chokes and gasps for air again, it is a gift that can never be forgotten.  Once I was dead, but now I live.  It is the only gift that matters.

God does not come to “dead in sin” victims and ask for a moral evaluations and commitment cards.  God does not ask for a pledges or contributions.  He does not demand that the dead get up and improve their lives before He will resurrect them.  God already knows they are finished.  They can’t do anything for themselves.  That is why it is His gift.  It can’t be earned.  It can’t be negotiated.  It can’t be bartered.  He gives it where and when He chooses.  It’s not up to me.  But once He rescues someone from death, nothing can ever be the same again.

Today:  One simple prayer – “Thank you Lord for rescuing me.”

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