
“Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, ”  1 Timothy 6:17

Uncertainty – The New Testament insists that we not be conformed to the patterns of this world.  But unless we understand the patterns of this world, we will unintentionally and unconsciously adopt them in spite of these strong warnings.  Why will we do that?  Because the patterns of this world are such “common sense” things. 

We often think of “patterns” of this world in terms of the obvious sins of society.  Homosexuality is today’s hot topic.  Then there is lying, cheating, stealing, murder, rape, adultery and the other violations of personal and social ethics.  But patterns of this world are not limited to obvious immoral behaviors.  In this verse, Paul exposes another pattern – one which is perhaps more damaging than any outcry against moral violence.  It is the pattern of self-security.

Adeloteti is the Greek word for “uncertainty”.  The root behind this word describes things that are covered up or not revealed.  Security placed in wealth is security that stands on something not revealed.  We all know that this is true.  No matter how much money we have, it provides no real protection in life.  Cancer, calamity, natural disaster, accident and death cannot be thwarted by wealth.  Neither can divorce, despair or depression.  Robin Leach’s version of the rich and famous hides lives of desperation.  We all know this, but we all think that money is the answer to life.  More people believe they will find happiness by winning the lottery than by working where God has placed them.  Here is a pattern of this world that destroys every particle of peace with the life God gives.  Paul reminds us that riches are the least tangible of assets.  They are a vapor of economic agreement, subject to every kind of market, social and political pressure.  Paul says nothing more than Jesus.  Real treasure is what God values, not Man. 

This pattern is so difficult to counteract.  We all see its simple truth and yet we all tend to view our lives on the measurement scale of buying power.  That leaves us in a constant state of fear, far from the God of peace.  In order to let God remove this pattern, we must believe what He says, not what we see.  But isn’t that what faith requires?  His word is certain.  The rest is only false “common sense”.


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