
“And the hand of the Lord will be made know to His servants; but he will be indignant toward His enemies.”  Isaiah 66:14

Indignant – Ever see an animal crazy with rage?  What you will notice (if you have time while you are running for your life) is that the animal is foaming at the mouth.  This is emotional energy converted directly into bodily signs.  And you better stay clear.  It is anger overflowing.

Our English word “indignant” means anger mixed with scorn.  But we get a much more visual image when we see what the Hebrew word za’am means – so enraged that you foam at the mouth.  God is very upset about sin.

Sometimes I need this kind of “in your face” image about God’s feelings.  The Hebrew language is a very picturesque language with lots of powerful images.  They help me see the truth.  I might slip into one of those, “Well, it isn’t all that bad” kind of moods, seducing myself into thinking that God is so good and merciful that He really will let a few things slide.  That’s when I need a word like za’am.  Sin enrages God.  The only reason that I don’t get the full whammy results of this rage is that God is long-suffering.  He withholds His anger for the sake of repentance.  (Thank you, Lord).  But believe me.  He is not happy about my sin. 

There are stories in the Bible when God’s anger over sin was not withheld.  They are stories of great punishment.  Many times lots of people died.  Suddenly.  Sin is no trivial matter.  And presuming on God’s mercy is sheer folly.  Behind His grace is za’am.  The day is coming when za’am will be let loose on sin.  God’s wrath will shake the foundations of the universe.

When I let God replace my heart, He gave me new eyes too.  He let me have a view of the horror of my sin.  He let me see a bit of His wrath.  Salvation is rescue from za’am.  My worship begins with thanksgiving.  He mercy endures over me.




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