
“Great wealth is in the house of the righteous, but trouble is in the income of the wicked.”  Proverbs 15:6

Wealth – The world places considerable emphasis on wealth.  Everywhere we see the results of trying to accumulate fortunes.  The sight is not always pretty.  When Saddam Hussein was captured, he had $750,000 in cash with him in hopes of buying his freedom.  For most people, that represents considerable wealth.  But as this proverb says, it was wealth that produced nothing but trouble.

God is also interested in wealth.  The only difference is that His view of wealth is not found in economics.  The word used here is chosen.  It means “treasure” or “storehouse”.  But this treasure is a treasure that cannot be lost, stolen or corrupted.  Jesus used the same concept when he taught us about the true motivation of our hearts.  What kind of treasure can never be taken away?  The treasure of peace, confidence, hope, love, gentleness, kindness and support.  If I remember correctly, this sound very much like something Paul wrote.  The great themes of the Bible are few but very consistent. 

Jesus said something else about the relationship between wealth and real treasure.  He drew another lesson from Proverbs 15:6.  Jesus commented that great financial wealth is a significant hindrance to God’s treasures (remember the camel and the needle?).  God’s treasures are found in a life of humility; a life that has left self-sufficiency behind.  But great wealth easily seduces us into self-reliance.  Wealth can be a substitute for dependence on God.  It is a trap for pride.  Very few can handle wealth and remain servants of the King.  Fortunately, for those of us whose tendencies lean toward self-reliance, God is gracious enough not to put great wealth in our path.  His treasures are far better.

Have you been absorbed with the treasure syndrome?  I have.  God was good enough to remove my temptation by removing my wealth.  Bless His holy name.  He knew that I wasn’t able to handle it, and He wanted something far better for me.

Have you considered the possibility that God withholds some of your desires because they would really be obstacles to your greatest treasure?


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