
“And by this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments.”  1 John 2:3

Know – It’s all about evidence.  When John wrote this letter, he faced the same problem we face today.  How do we know if someone is a Christian?  What is the evidence that confirms the claim?  Following Jesus is not some hidden, mystical, internal spiritual communion.  Following Jesus might begin with an inner commitment and spiritual humility but if it is real it must be demonstrated.  A real Christian is a lamp in the dark, a city on the hill, someone whose life can’t be disguised.

We are quick to use this verse to point out the discrepancies in the lives of others.  We hold up the demand for evidence and put them under the microscope.  We often hear ourselves saying, “But their lives don’t measure up”.  Now take a closer look at this verse.  Did you notice that John isn’t writing to “others”?  He is writing to us.  “We know”, he says.  This is not a verse about judging the behavior of others.  It is a verse about self-examination. 

The verb used here is ginosko.  It means knowledge that is gathered by collecting data, by careful observation, by analysis.  It is never complete knowledge because there is always more information to gather, but it is the sort of knowledge that we use every day to make decisions.  It is precisely the kind of knowledge that we use in a court in order to establish a claim.  We might not have all the facts, but we have enough to know what’s right. 

John is telling us to go gather some personal information about how we behave.  Do we live according to the commandments of Jesus?  (That brings up another interesting point that we will have to examine).  Since we are in the perfect place to know our own behavior better than anyone else, we should have no trouble at all answering this question.  We will know immediately if our motivation is right and if our behaviors reflect an attitude of service to the Lord.  This is the test, not of the spiritual condition of other people but of our own spiritual condition.  If you are claiming to be one of His followers, and your own behavior is contrary to His commandments, then something is desperately wrong.  Self-examination is designed to save you, not condemn you.  Early diagnosis (from the same Greek word) means quick correction. 

Take the self-examine today.  How are you doing?



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