Go down

“do not let the sun go down on your anger”  Ephesians 4:26

Go down – Have you ever noticed what a calming effect a beautiful sunset has on you?  As you watch the sky light up with those spectacular colors, the clouds turn to incredible shades of pink and then purple, you can’t help but feel the magnificence of God’s creation.  Sunsets dominate our photographs and paintings.  Every culture finds a kind of deep reassurance in the vista.  Perhaps it is a built-in reminder that another day is reaching fulfillment.  Rest is coming.

Paul chooses this image in the Greek word epiduo.  It means, “to sink upon”.  There is release in watching the sun sink upon the horizon.  It is the same release that Paul wants us to have from daily conflicts.  Twelve-steppers know that life is “one day at a time”.  That is a great motto for all the rest of us.  Life one day at a time.  When we come to the end of the day, it is time to release the emotional bondages that would keep us anchored in the past. 

Anger loves nourishment.  It is never interested in a one-day-at-a-time closure.  Left to itself, it is the nocturnal bacteria of the soul.  Unless anger gets cleaned out of the system, you will wake up the next day with a real illness of attitude.  Of course, this emotional disease affects all the rest of your body too.  The way to stop it is to not allow it to have its nighttime incubation period.

Now the trick.  We all know that we should let our anger go at the end of each day.  But how?  How do I let go of that insult?  How do I release my feelings toward the one who hurt me or damaged my property or abused me or took advantage of me?  How do I get rid of that churning inside when they have wronged me?  Paul points us in the right direction before he writes this verse.  Take a look at Ephesians 4:23 and 24.  These are the verses about mind renewal and the new self.  And the secret is that you can’t do it.  It is God’s work in you to renew who you are and create a new self.  You have only one role to play: get out of His way.  When you are absolutely sure you just can’t let go of that anger, just put it down in front of Him and say, “I can’t do this.  All this anger is just so entangled in me that I can’t get it out.  But I know that you can.  So, it’s yours.  I give it to you.  Help me to get our of your way.”

When the sun rises tomorrow, remember what you gave to God.  It’s His now.  Let Him have it as your gift.  As long as you don’t take it back, He will gladly keep it away from you.

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