
“For indeed, the Son of Man is going as it has been determined;”  Luke 22:22

Going – Where are you going?  This is not a simple map-direction question.  It’s a “Life Determining” question.  And there is only one possible answer.  You are going to your death.  That’s exactly what Jesus has in mind here.  Even though there is only one answer, there are two possible ways to get there.  We don’t have any choice about the destination, but we have every choice about the route we take. 

The Greek word Luke chooses here is the verb poreuomai.  It is associated with the idea of a journey into the afterlife (compare 1 Peter 3:19).  Here the sense is going to death.  Jesus knew exactly where he was going.  He was treading the path God had determined for him.  He was traveling the path of obedience.

We will also arrive at the destination of poreuomai.  The question is whether or not we will get there through obedience or through rebellion.  Jesus followed the pathway of obedience to death.  We are asked to do the same.  Arriving at this destination is nothing more than a synopsis of how we lived.  The journey of life is simply a response to the question:  How will to arrive at the end?  Will you show up at the destination through a life of practiced obedience, used by God for His purposes, fulfilling His desires?  Or will you arrive having spent your life trying to go your own way, rebelling against His orders, determined to map your own course?

Either method will still take you to the same destination.  That is inevitable.  God has written it into the very nature of existence.  But only one method will be an expression of joyful completion.

The Next 24:  Today is a great day to ask yourself not “where” am I going but rather “how” am I getting there?  Are to going through obedience?



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