
“For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh”  Galatians 5:13

Opportunity – How would you describe an “opportunity”?  Would you use words like “happy occurrence”, “favorable circumstance” or “luck”?  Opportunity is that intersection of the right things in the right time at the right place that lets us set something in motion.  It’s taking advantage of the situation. 

But not all opportunities are beneficial.  Some can be downright dangerous.  Paul wants us to see that not all chances to seize the moment are appropriate for a follower of Jesus.

“Of course”, we say.  “After all, there are rules to follow.”  But that’s the problem.  The law has been set aside.  Paul is very clear about this.  Jesus is the end of the law (Romans 10:4).  We don’t live under a new set of rules.  We are children of freedom.  And freedom presents us with a terrible and joyful responsibility.   Freedom allows the choice between obedience and self-will. 

The New Testament word aphorme has its root sense in the idea of flowing.  This captures the dilemma of freedom.  Out of freedom flows that opportunity to take what it allows and use it for good or evil.  It is not the occasion itself that is evil.  It is the decision that flows from that occasion.  Freedom is a wonderful, marvelous thing.  It is ultimately a gift from God, provided at great cost.  But with the rule-bound life pulled away, freedom leaves each of us in this situation:  What will you do now?  Will you submit and obey out of thanksgiving and love, or will you take the occasion as a starting point toward sin?

Thank God for freedom!  Then, thank Him again because if you are not thanking Him for your freedom, you are probably headed toward claiming it as your opportunity for self.  There is only one way to relieve the terror of freedom.  It is continuous thanksgiving expressed to the One Who set you free.


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