
“Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider Jesus”  Hebrews 3:1

Partakers – What does it mean to have a passport?  Most of us think of passports in association with travel.  But a passport is not a ticket.  It is a statement of national identity.  A passport is an official documentation that says you are one of the citizens.  Without a passport, you will find it difficult to travel to another realm.  Your rights of citizenship will be challenged.  Passports make it certain:  you are counted among those who belong.

Every Christian has a passport issued by God.  This Greek word, the combination of “in the midst” and “to have as a continuing possession” is the official passport for believers.  Metochoi means “you (plural) who are continually among those who belong”.  You stand before the world as one who belongs to God’s realm and rule.  You no longer carry the documentation of the old way of live.  You have been transferred to a new kingdom, a kingdom that supplants all others.  You belong to God’s house.

When I traveled to Hong Kong or Seoul or Taipei, I could almost believe that I was still in New York or San Francisco.  The only difference was that there were a lot more Chinese people than I was used to.  But not more than the Chinatown of San Francisco.  Everything almost looked the same.  Then I went to Bangkok and the world was completely different.  Architecture, customs, language, dress, everything just felt strange.  In Bangkok, I knew I wasn’t home anymore.

As Christians, we can be easily confused about where we really belong.  When you decide to agree with God’s assessment of your life, the world doesn’t suddenly change color or turn upside down.  Things still “feel” pretty normal.  But slowly you begin to realize that what you thought was “normal” is now very foreign to your spirit.  After awhile, you discover that you have arrived in Bangkok.  You don’t belong.  Your passport allows you to travel there, but you aren’t at home.  Home is where your spirit can resonate without disturbance with the One Who has called you. 

God’s passport allows you to be an influence wherever He takes you.  But don’t forget what the passport means.  You are just traveling through.  Your real home is with Him.

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