
“For who resists His will?”  Romans 9:19

Will – Sometimes the fact that an unusual Greek word is used in a place where it is not expected is worth investigating.  In this verse, Paul chooses the “wrong” word for “will”.  He uses the word boulema instead of thelema.  We don’t even see it in English.  But the difference matters. 

Ordinarily, the word boulema is a word that means, “plan” or “counsel” or “decree”.  It usually suggests a desire but not necessarily the execution of that desire.  But that isn’t the case in this verse.  In this verse, Paul uses boulema to refer to his statement in Romans 9:18.  When it comes to mercy, no one tells God what to do.  God alone is the decision-maker.  It is His desire that determines the result.  What He decides about mercy is what will be done.  Paul’s point is not that we can’t resist God.  Anyone who sins resists God.  Paul’s point is that our resistance will not affect God’s decision.  God alone determines that purposes and plans of mercy, regardless of human efforts to subvert it.

Don’t think that this verse means you have no responsibility for your destiny.  Jesus died for all.  His sacrifice was sufficient to cover everyone.  That does not mean that all will come to Him.  In like manner, Paul argues that God’s decision to show mercy is not affected by human resistance even though human resistance may result in some who do not appropriate God’s mercy.  It is not God’s fault that we don’t come to Him.  This verse is not about “puppet” control.  It is about God’s determination.  You and I don’t have a single bit of influence on God’s decisions about who receives His mercy.  But we are certainly held accountable for the application of that mercy to our own lives.

The bottom line is this:  No excuses!  You can’t stand in front of God and claim that He wasn’t fair or that He didn’t take some important factor into account.  God did everything perfectly, according to His purposes and plans.  Now it’s up to you.  No excuses!


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