
“Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.”  1 Peter 4:19

Entrust – Do you trust God?  Careful.  Do you really trust Him?  Do you trust Him so that you are able to place everything about your life in His care?  Your job, your family, your finances, your health, your state of well being?  Is it all signed over for His use and disposal?

Here is a word that we could easily imagine in the legal world.  Paratithemi comes from two words that mean, “to place in the care of” or “to give control over to”.  Make an appointment with your attorney.  Tell him you want to draw up a living will.  Only in this will you are going to sign over everything you have, including your very life, to God.  When you put your name on the bottom line, you give up control.  You turn it all over to His care.  You tell Him, “OK, God.  Now you own it all.  I have no say in what you do with it.  It is completely yours.”  Do you still feel comfortable and assured or are you beginning to recognize that sort of awful, helplessness that comes with loss of control?

Peter says it clearly.  It is God’s will that brings you into intersection with experiences from outside yourself.  Whether good or bad, you have only one responsibility.  Trust it all to Him.  Sign it over.  Let go. 

Of course, you just won’t do this unless you know that God is faithful.  If you have any doubts about His concern and care for you, if you ever get caught in the trap of thinking that God can take care of this but He might not want to, then you will not be able to sign the Trust Deed.  Fear will prevent you from enjoying the freedom of not carrying life’s burdens alone.

Still, the question haunts us.  Do you trust Him?

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