
“and the wolf snatches them, and scatters them.”  John 10:12

Scatters – A few days ago we learned that another member of our home Bible study was in the hospital suffering from a rare infection so serious that she was in isolation.  This past year has been a series of disasters, trials and unexpected threats.  In fact, as I reflected on the world geo-political arena, it struck me that I can almost feel the fabric of the universe starting to tear at the edges.  More and more our lives seem to be torn apart as the agendas of individual self-will all strive against each other for domination.  The tension of the world’s people being pulled in pieces brought to mind this verse in John.  It is Satan’s intention and desire to scatter the flock.  And once you see the Greek word, you will never forget that He means to harm us in any way possible.

That Greek word is skorpizo.  Satan is the scorpion of the world, ready to strike his poison.  Hiding in the shadows, concealed in dark places, the scorpion waits, armed to kill. 

In this passage, Jesus contrasts the Good Shepherd who lays down his life to protect and care for his flock with the hired employee who cares nothing for the sheep but only for his job.  When threatened, he runs to protect himself.  Jesus does not run, abandoning us to the enemy.  He has confronted the scorpion king of this world and defeated him.  But even though the ultimate victory is assured, the battle rages.  Now the scorpion is backed into a corner.  Now he fights for vengeance.  Now he wished to destroy as much as he can before his final day of reckoning.  And in the process, he scatters.  He tears away at the design God placed in creation, attempting to shred as much of it as possible.  He pulls us into stressful jobs, scattering our focus on God.  He presses us with long “to do” lists that leave us constantly panting.  He makes sure the demands are more than we can meet while instilling in us the sense of obligation to meet them all.  He wants us running the rat race, over-committed, under-nourished.  His battle plan is to tear us from family, fellowship and God’s favor.  He is the master of making us feel alone.

Do you feel the fabric tearing?  Jesus offers peace, a word of harmony and wholeness.  If you feel the tear, the answer is prayer.


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