
“And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS””  Matthew 7:23

Never – It’s hard to imagine a stronger announcement.  Matthew uses a Greek word that combines the idea of “not even once” with “any time” (oude and pote).  It’s an explosive statement, one that knocks us right to the ground.

Many years ago I had a confrontation with a Christian leader.  Although I had every good intention in voicing my opinion, he took it as a criticism of his ability.  He leveled a verbal assault at me that literally struck me so hard I felt myself fainting.  I had to sit on the floor to prevent passing out.  I have never forgotten the impact of those words.

I imagine that the people who hear Jesus say these words will feel the same way, only worse.  They will be instantly stripped of all their false proclamations and delusions.  They will see immediately that their lives have been spent in the wrong direction, and now it is too late.  Jesus is sending them away to judgment. 

Why will this happen?  It won’t be for lack of religious activity.  It won’t be because they weren’t “good” people.  It will be because they forgot whom Jesus came to serve.  They forgot about the poor, the sick, the blind, the imprisoned and the oppressed.  They forgot that the way of Jesus is the way of the cross.  They forgot that Jesus did not come to give them the gift of freedom.  He came to be obedient in order that the Father might forgive.  To follow Jesus is to obey God.

What’s more amazing is that these people will be taken completely by surprise.  They will actually be shocked to hear his words.  They could never imagine that they have done anything wrong.  But their work is the work of futility.  It amounts to nothing (another use of oude).  It is religious but it is not godly.  What’s the difference?  Well, it isn’t about prophecy or casting out demons or great works of power.  It’s not about the show. 

It’s about what happens when nobody sees (except God).  God works backstage.

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