
“For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name”  Hebrews 6:10

Forget – God doesn’t forget.  That thought used to scare me to death.  God will remember all those things that I did that were disobedient, harmful and slanderous to Him and to others.  How I used to agonize under that claim.  I might be able in time to forget my sins, but God would never forget.  Someday I would have to stand before Him and be reminded, with crystal clarity, of every single thing I did wrong.

That’s why this verse is so important now.  My sins are gone.  Washed away.  Cast into the depth of the sea.  They will not return to me as stains that cannot be removed.  When Jesus died on the cross, he took away my guilt.  When I received his mercy, he took away my shame.

Now the author of Hebrews reminds me that God will never forget my efforts to be obedient and my love for Him.  Throughout eternity, God will look on me and see a man who longs to please Him.  And He will smile on me.  My curse is gone.  My Father turns a face of blessing toward me.  Now I can wonderfully proclaim, “God will never forget me.”

In the movie Troy, Achilles resists going to war.  He has no love for the king and doesn’t care about the battle.  But he goes, not out of service to his country but out of a deep need to be remembered.  At one point in the movie, he speaks to a young boy.  The boy says that he wouldn’t want to go to war, that he is afraid.  And Achilles answers, “Yes you are.  And that is why no one will remember your name.”

We serve a king much greater than Agamemnon.  We serve Yahweh, the King of the universe.  And He remembers our names.  Are you ready to shout with joy, “God will never forget who I am and what I have done”?  Will you go into His battle knowing that He will remember you, your loyalty and service and be proud of it?

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