
“My grace is sufficient for you for my power is perfected in weakness”  2 Corinthians 12:9

Grace – Why would we ever think that grace is enough?  Don’t we still have to pay the bills, feed the kids, mow the lawn, go to work and do all the million and one things that make up our frantic lives?  What good is grace if you can’t put it in the bank?

We usually think of grace as some mystical, spiritual hocus-pocus that magically removes sin.  It has something to do with terms like atonement and substitution but the only thing we’re confident about is that somehow grace will get me to heaven.  And I can’t put that in the bank either.  As one of my friends said, “It’s great to know where I’ll be when I die, but what do I do in the meantime?”

When God said His grace was enough, what did He have in mind?  The Greek word helps us understand.  It is charis.  We get the word “charity” from this root.  That paints a better picture than a free pass to heaven.  You and I are charity cases.  Our needs are great and we cannot provide for ourselves.  So, God says that His charity is completely able to help.  He doesn’t lack resources.  He is not limited by 501c3 tax status.  He doesn’t worry about donations.  God is able!  And charis means “a favor done without expectation of return, an absolutely free expression of loving kindness” intended for the well being of the recipient.  Is it any wonder that the same word lies behind “rejoice”!  Imagine how your perspective on life changes when you realize that you are a designated recipient of God’s charity organization.  You can count on Him to deliver the goods just when they are needed.

Now we get a little better view of the connection between “grace” and “sufficient”.  God’s charity always has enough to meet my needs.  When I complain to God that I am not content with how He is handling my life, when I ask Him to remove my need, then I am really telling God that I want to be dropped from the charity list.  I am really saying, “You know, God, I think I’ll try living on my own.  I don’t really need you to give me breath, sunshine, water, food, a house over my head, work or even health.  I’m sufficient without you.”  Well, God just smiles.  He knows how foolish we can be.  So He sends us an official notice:  You are hereby reminded that life is a gift and that gift comes from my charity.  Why don’t you just stay on the list and discover how wonderful contentment can be?”

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