
“Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Matthew 6:12

Debts – There are only two critical terms in a debt:  who and what.  Without those two terms, the debt means nothing.  So, let’s ask the obvious questions.  In the Lord’s Prayer, whom do I owe and what is it that I owe?  Since the prayer is addressed to God the Father, the answer to the first question is obvious.  I owe my debt to God.  But the answer to the second question requires a bit more thinking.

What debt do I owe to God?

A debt implies that something has been given to me that I am under obligation to return.  If you loan me money, I have a debt to repay.  If I borrow your car, you expect it back.  If I borrow you pen, the obligation is not diminished.  What I receive, I must return.

So then, what have I received from God?

Suddenly the curtain is pulled back.  The answer is: everything!  I am in debt for my breath, my health, my sight, my arms, my protection, my provision, my job, my wife, my home, my children, my mind, my talents, my hopes and dreams.  Everything I have is on loan from the Father.  Without His beneficence, I do not exist.  I owe Him all that I am.  That is a very difficult debt to repay!  Life for life, says that Old Testament.  It dawns on me.  To repay this debt will require my life.

“Forgive me this debt” is my plea to my Creator to let me live without demanding my life in repayment.  My status as His debtor will never go away.  I have no way to back this debt back without dying.  If I am to live, He will have to forgive what I owe.  And He is willing to do this.  That’s amazing.  Can you imagine what it would be like to forgive someone such a debt?  The debtor would be forever grateful, forever humble, forever your voluntary servant of thanksgiving.

Is this what you have in mind when you repeat these words?  Do did you think it was only about “sins”?

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