
“so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ” Philippians 1:10

Excellent – Ah!  But it really doesn’t say this.  In this translation, the text presumes that the intention of “testing” is to determine excellence.  But the verse really says, “testing the difference in things”.  It is not simply looking for what is excellent.  It is the ability to see the difference between what is good and what is not.  Once again, we are thrust into an Old Testament idea.

Proverbs is full of instruction about telling the difference between the good and the bad.  In fact, Solomon tells us that one of the important reasons behind his writing is to distinguish differences.  He uses the Hebrew word bin (Proverbs 1:2).  This word is all about determining the difference between good and evil, between right and wrong and distinguishing what is of value to God and what is not.  Paul’s Greek word (diaphero) has the same sense: to know the difference.

The Biblical orientation toward ethics is not a list of static rules to be followed in lock-step obedience.  The Biblical orientation is about a relationship with a holy God.  That is dynamic, not static.  It’s not so much about rules as it is about devotion.  The Bible expects you to enter into a conversation with God so that you will know how to distinguish the difference and you will know why it makes a difference.  It’s not just “Do this”.  It’s “Do you see why you need to do this?”  God’s interaction with us is always about training us to see from His perspective.  We are supposed to take responsibility in the process and that should lead to understanding why God’s perspective is good for us.

Lots of people try to obey God out of fear.  They look at His commandments as harsh requirements standing in the way of an easier life.  They obey but with reluctant souls.  This is not what God has in mind.  God is anxious for us to see the beautiful and joyful synergy in our lives when we realize that His ways are absolutely the best ways for us.  We need to see the difference and the difference it makes.

Are you a cheerful follower who knows the difference?

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