
“so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ” Philippians 1:10

Blameless – Blame, blame, go away, come again some other day.  Well, not exactly.  We want the blame to go away but we certainly don’t want it back later.  God deals with this quite well, telling us that our blame (guilt) is sent away for good.  It won’t be coming back.  If that were the case, then why would Paul instruct us to take an active role in being blameless?  If it’s all God’s doing, if it’s settled on the cross, then why does Paul encourage us to get to work on being blameless?  The answer is found in the history of this word.

Aproskopos means, “not to strike at or trip over”.  The idea is not to give or take offense.  This word is not about what God did.  It’s about what we do as a result of what God did.  Did you catch that part about not giving or taking offense?  It’s a two-way word.  I am not to behave in ways that would cause my heart to stumble and I am not to behave in ways that would cause the heart of another to stumble.  This isn’t something God can do.  It’s my behavior that is in focus.

The post-modern world has converted this idea into the concept of “tolerance”.  It focuses entirely on the “don’t offend someone else” side of the street.  How many times have you heard someone complain that Christians shouldn’t “push” their beliefs on others?  Lost people use the idea of “tolerance” to fend off confrontation.  That is not what this word suggests.  God is not tolerant and anyone who knows Him realizes that fact.  God is patient.  There is a big difference.  If we are going to reflect God’s perspective, we will exhibit patience, not tolerance.

Notice, however, that this word isn’t even about spiritual tolerance.  The word focuses our attention on clearly discerned, heart motivated behavior.  Remember from yesterday that “sincere” (really “clear judgment”) is a glue word.  Clear judgment is glued to heart actions.  Blameless heart actions are those actions that are in harmony with God’s perspective and behavior.  Be like me, says that Lord.  Be vigilant.  Be holy.  And be patient.  Then you will be blameless.

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