Seeking God Face to Face

“This is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face – even Jacob.” Psalm 24:6

Seeking God Face to Face

Even – This verse presents us with a small problem.  If you consult other English translations, you will find this part of the verse is sometimes translated “the God of Jacob” or “the face of the God of Jacob” or “O, Jacob”.  The problem is that in the usual ancient texts there are several different readings.  So, the translator is stuck with which one to choose.  No one knows which one is the original one.  The NASB adds the word “even” in this verse but that is only a guess as to the original meaning.

One thing is clear.  When David wrote this poem, he knew that he wanted to have the same relationship that Jacob had with God.  He wanted to be face to face.  David, the man after God’s own heart, knew that his life depended on face-to-face relationship with God.  Throughout the Psalms, we find David’s deep desire to draw as close to God as possible.  There is much more to the wrestling match with God than simply struggle.  There is contact intimacy.  There is gripping involvement.  There is engagement of all my strength, mind and soul.  Wrestling with God is a close encounter of the best kind.

Are we like David?  Do we seek face-to-face encounter with the God of Jacob?  Or do we choose to be spectators to God’s Olympic wrestling matches?  Do we avoid the struggle in order to keep our lives comfortable?  The God of Jacob is looking for those who are ready to do battle.  Even when we don’t initiate the conflict, He does.

David learned something important from his history.  God sought out Jacob and Jacob took the challenge.  As a result, God gave Jacob a new identity.  David says, “Lord, I’m ready to struggle with You because I want a new name from You.  Bring on the battle over my old ways.  Let’s wrestle through it.  I want to know you face to face.”

What about you?  Are you avoiding the fight or fully engaged?  When God gets a grip on you, do you have David’s attitude or are you trying to run away?

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