The Right Heritage

“He chooses our inheritance for us, the glory of Jacob whom He loves.” Psalm 47:4

The Right Heritage

Glory of Jacob – Have you considered your inheritance?  For most of us, that idea brings forth images of wills and gifts, taxes and lawyers.  In this culture, inheritance is often as much a burden as a blessing.  It can bring out the worst in family while they argue over what piece of the pie they should receive.

David has a different view of inheritance.  He leaves the choice up to God.  David recognizes that the entire world is God’s (Psalm 24:1) and God has the right to distribute as He pleases.  But David isn’t worried about his portion of the inheritance.  He proclaims that God’s choice is based on God’s love for the “glory of Jacob”.

What is the glory of Jacob and why did it make David so confident?  The Hebrew word translated “glory” in this verse is ga’on, a word that means, “pride”, “majesty” or “glory”.  David uses this word to express the fact that God has chosen Jacob’s lineage to receive a special inheritance.  God loves Jacob’s line.  They are His special ones, selected by Him to be His holy priests to all the nations.  Jacob’s glory is found in the people who are Jacob’s descendents, the children of Abraham who will number more than the stars.

Today we need a correction in our concept of inheritance.  We need to shift the focus from possessions to purpose.  If the whole world belongs to our Benefactor and He determines our inheritance based on His love for us, then the only real issue is what we will do with what He has given.  Inheritance is not about accumulation.  It is about intention.  When God gives me some of what belongs to Him, I need to faithfully manage my inheritance according to His intentions.  That means knowing what He has in mind for the “glory of Jacob”.

Have you gone to the instruction manual with the inheritance question?  Have you asked the Benefactor, “What purpose do you have for my inheritance?”  Do you know what God expects from the “glory of Jacob”?

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