The World of Weakness

When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, You knew my path.” Psalm 142:3

The World of Weakness

Overwhelmed – Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world.  Now what does that mean?  If you thought it was about sexual immorality, gluttony, violence, lying and coveting, you only scratched the surface of the problem.  The patterns of this world run much, much deeper.  They are the cultural compulsions that addict us to things like control, destiny, fulfillment and power.  For example, we have been seduced into believing that we must be in control of our future.  Our business books cry out the mantra, “Just follow these easy steps to take control of your life”.  Our diet plans tell us that it’s all up to us.  Our financial experts warn us to prepare for retirement.  And on and on it goes.  Get control of the world of tomorrow today.

Somewhere during the mad dash to take charge we may arrive at the place of the Psalmist.  Overwhelmed.  Discouraged.  Weak.  Afraid.  In that moment we learn a great spiritual truth: the future is not ours to control.  No amount of preparation, protection or provision can guarantee anything about tomorrow.  We are weak, fragile and vulnerable.  In the wilderness there is only one place to run – to the God Who knows our paths.

The world hates weakness.  This world fears weakness.  This world denigrates weakness.  But the truth is that weakness is a description of our essential being.  And God loves weakness.  When I am weak, I can discover His strength.  When I am weak, I can learn of His care.  When I am weak, I can embrace His grace.  My strength prevents me from seeing the world as it really is.  It prevents me from finding the God Who lives in the wilderness.  Only in weakness will I find the God Who knew every step of my walk and was ready to show me the next one.

The patterns of this world include the priority of strength.  Followers of God go a different direction.  They bring their weakness before the King and lean on Him.  Overwhelmed is the right place to be.  God is hidden in overwhelmed.

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