What God Promises

“You who have shown me many troubles and distresses will revive me again and will bring me up from the depths of the earth.”  Psalm 71:20

What God Promises

ReviveHayah!  That’s what God promises.  To keep me alive.  To rescue me from danger.  To preserve my life.  To revive me.  The same God who shows me troubles, the same God who begs me to reflect on His presence in turmoil, the same God who calls me to glorify Him when it counts – this God promises to rescue me according to His will and His purposes.

Why can the Psalmist make this declaration?  Because he knows that every moment of life is in the hands of the Creator of life.  We are not independently alive, skating along through the routines and suddenly toppled by some unforeseen calamity.  No, we are supported, sustained and succored every single moment by the God who loves us!  Not one single breath comes to us without His will.  So, what is the difference between the tough times and the joyful ones?  Does God slip away in the night, waiting for us to call Him back?  Of course not.  He is there all the time.  He is never out of sight, out of reach.  We are the ones who get caught in the trauma and drama of life on the edge.  We forget that breathing is a constant sign of His delight in us.

The reason I can be assured that God will revive me is this:  God never left!

Troubles and distresses may come.  In fact, they are just as much signs of His confidence and care as the times I am peacefully at rest.  Perhaps, if I have my eternal glasses on, I will see that times of trouble are even more important signs of His presence.  But I have to “see” more than the surface.  And when I “see”, I discover that if God doesn’t leave me in my troubles, He will certainly lift me from them.

Are you being asked to show yourself worthy in the midst of distress?  Praise Him!  He is there.  And your next breath is proof positive that God rescues.

Life is not about what I see around me.  It’s about what He says about what I see.

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