Shame by another name

“but we have renounced the hidden things because of shame” 2 Corinthians 4:2

Shame – When Paul penned this verse, he did not use the word entrepo for “shame” (see July 18).  He used another common Greek word (aischunes).  Both words are translated “shame” in English, but they are not quite the same.  And this little bit of difference is important.

This second word for shame has direct links to the Old Testament concept of dishonor.  Dishonor is the consequence of being judged by God’s standard of holiness.  When we realize our weakness and sinful state, we are caused to be ashamed, to recognize how we have dishonored the Creator by our actions.  We are confronted with our need for redemption.  This is not about inherent unworthiness.  This word does not describe our inner self-absorbed image issues.  It is about our outward behavior; behavior that causes us to see God’s judgment and do something about it.

There are three possible rendering of this verse.  It could refer to “those hidden things that cause us to be shamed”.  Or it could mean, “hidden shameful things”.  Or it could mean “those things which shame hides”.  While the exact reading may not be clear, the connection between “shame” and “hiding” is clear.  Twelve step members all know that the power of an addiction is in its secret.  Once exposed to the light, shame loses its grip.  Remember what John said:  “men loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil”.  Secrets kept in the dark bind our minds and our bodies to a pathway that leads to judgment.  The day will come when all the secrets are revealed.  For some, it will be a day of celebration.  They will rejoice that those secrets were stripped of their power long ago when they fell helplessly before the Cross.  For others it will be a day of terrible humiliation as their secret bondage is exposed.  They will fall helplessly before God’s judgment.

Today is not that day.  Today is the day of renunciation.  Today is the day of decision, the day when light can shine on the secrets of our souls and set us free.  Today is the only day that God’s light can do its work.  Today salvation comes near.

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