Truth that Lasts

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.” Mark 13:31

Will not pass away – What will pass away?  According to Jesus, heaven and earth.  What does that man?  Quite simply, all that we know, experience, imagine and hope for.  Not just this beat-up, sin drenched earth, but also heaven, the realm where we think God and His angels make everything right.  Jesus says, “All of this will pass away”.  But something will last.  Something will still be there when all that we know and imagine is gone.  What is it?  His words.  He couldn’t make it stronger.  Ou me  pareleusontai.  The double negative (ou me) for emphasis.  “In no way”.  “Never”.  “Not ever”.  “My words will never ever go away.”

If you want a firm foundation for life, would you build on the best of heaven and earth?  Would you use the rock solid wisdom of this world and the next?  It will pass away.  If you want a certain foundation, one that will never fail, then there is only one place to go.  The words of Jesus.  Implied in this statement is the claim that His words are God’s words for only the Word of God lasts forever.  Implied in this statement is the claim that Jesus is God (He claims that these words are My words, not my Father’s words).

You are probably nodding in agreement.  Your mind is telling you that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  His words are the real basis of life.  But remember that Jesus speaks just as Yahweh speaks.  What He speaks is intended to compel us to obey.  So, what about these words:

“Do not resist him who is evil”  Matthew 5:39

“If a man wants to sue you, . . .let him have your coat also”  Matthew 5:40

“Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow”  Matthew 5:42

“Love your enemies”  Matthew 5:44

“Do not lay up for yourself treasures on earth”  Matthew 6:19

“Do not be anxious”  Matthew 6:31

“Seek first His kingdom”  Matthew 6:33

“Do not judge”  Matthew 7:1

“Enter by the narrow gate”  Matthew 7:13

What would have to change in your life if just these few words became certain for you?  What would you be compelled to do differently?  Transformation is the key to prayer and transformation means living the words that Jesus speaks.

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