What to Pray

that you may prove what God’s will is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

That – Prayer is communion with the Father.  Prayer is soul breathing, silent longing, human being before my God.  Prayer is not so much checklists and requests as it is surrender to His purposes.  This is how we pray.  That’s what the disciples asked Jesus.  “Teach us how to pray.”  But Jesus did much more than teach us how.  He also taught us what to pray.   Look once more at the Lord’s Prayer and you will see that Jesus is teaching subject matter as well as spiritual grammar.

Do you want to really pray according to God’s will?  Do you want your prayers to bring you into alignment with the Father so that everything you desire is what He desires?  Paul summarizes the procedure in this verse from Romans.  Paul says that you can have this kind of prayer.  You can know what God intends and you can pray in accordance with His will.  That’s the reason for this Greek construction (eis to plus the infinitive).  Paul uses it 43 times, four times more than all the other New Testament writers combined.  It is an expression that conveys purpose.  When we see this Greek combination, we know that Paul is answering the question, “Why?”

Most of us are familiar with the first part of this verse.  “Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world but we transformed by the renewing of your mind”.  Now Paul tells us why this is so important.  Transformation brings enlightenment about the will of God.  Moving from the patterns of this world to the paradigm of God’s world does more than change your behavior.  It allows you to know who God is and what He desires.  Transformation is the essential ingredient in knowing the perfect plan of the Father.  You cannot know that good, acceptable and perfect will of God if you have not surrendered to full transformation.  Prayers without transformation are spiritual lead balloons.

Why do you suppose Jesus could say about his prayers, “I know that you always hear me”?  Because he was fully surrendered and totally transformed.  Jesus never prayed without an answer.  Isn’t that what we want?  Answers always.  Paul says that it is a matter of total transformation, not hopeful resignation.

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