Acquire or Answer?

“I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ” Galatians 1:6

Called – The Greek kaleo (to call) has nuances that paint a much richer picture than we might imagine.  We need to see all the colors and shades if we are going to appreciate the depth of this passage.  But even if English fails to provide what we will now uncover, one thing is abundantly clear:  grace calls us; we do not go out hunting for it!

This fact leaps to the forefront when we see the rich texture of kaleo.  “Call” is used to describe the voice of the shepherd, known implicitly by the sheep.  “Call” is the verb used to communicate the action of being sent for and directed to come.  “Call” contains an element of authority when it describes a summons.  “Call” is used as the verb of invitation, especially the invitation to repentance.  “Call” is used for the action of naming, designating and appointing.  A principle example is found in Matthew 1:23 with the naming of Jesus.  “Call” is also used to cover the whole Old Testament activity of God’s gracious intentions toward men.  Paul uses a form of kaleo to speak of those who respond to the divine initiative.  From beginning to end, God’s actions toward men are captured in the act of calling.

What does this imagery mean?  It means that grace, the gift that arrives on the heels of God’s call, can be neither claimed nor earned.  I don’t find it as a result of a long search, staking my right to ownership because of my diligence.  Nor am I able to credit it to me as a result of my exemplary efforts.  All I can do is answer the call.  There is no credit to me for initiating, constructing, hearing or understanding.  God speaks.  The power of His word reaches me and requests my reply.  My life is an RSVP to God.

A great deal of fruitless concern can be left behind when we realize that our experience with God is His initiative.  Do doubts plague you?  Are you wandering alone in the desert?  Has guilt shackled your walk?  Are the burdens too heavy?  If God’s invitation sounds in your ear, it comes despite all this interference.  It is not diverted by the world’s turmoil.  God knows all about the mess and He calls anyway.  It’s His banquet.  Just come.

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