The Other Gospel

being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated (men of whom the world was not worthy), wandering in deserts Hebrews 11:37-38

Afflicted – How little we understand the real gospel! We imagine that the good news of salvation is an announcement of God’s eternal care and restoring power here and now. We think that once God is on our side, life will improve. So we pray, “God, heal my wife. God, save my child. God, restore my business. God, protect my family.” In other words, God, make life the way that I would want it to be if I had all the power You have.

Sometimes God answers these prayers. Those answers become legends as if to bolster our courage to expect God to answer the next plea for assistance. In the process, we dismiss the countless times that God does not answer according to our petitions. We excuse the unresponsive God on the basis of lack of personal faith or problems with the calendar (“It’s just not God’s time yet”). But God is answering. He is saying “No, I am not going to fix this. You don’t understand My plan. Affliction is necessary.”

Spiros Zodhiates says, “Tribulation is the appointed destiny of Christians.” You never hear that preached from the pulpit! The Biblical point of view is a call to redemptive suffering, not blessing. The word is thlipsis. It’s as bad as it gets. Crushed. Squeezed. Pressed to the breaking point. To be poured out like wine requires rupturing the skin, the protective covering. If you want to live like Jesus, you will have to spill your blood.

This is not a accident of being a follower in the Way (remember the discussion of derekh on January 5 ?). It is the expected call of those who follow the path of the Christ. We are to anticipate being broken. The world is not a friend of the Kingdom so the Kingdom must enter by force. That means war and bloodshed.

Paul is pretty clear about this. Afflictions are guaranteed (2 Thess 1:4 and Acts 20:23). Churches that proclaim Jesus will have tribulation (2 Cor. 8:2). Afflictions are our destiny (1 Thess. 3:3). Anyone who expects something else does not understand God.

God may grant peace, harmony and prosperity. But it is sheer gift; a respite from the battle plan. Don’t expect it.

Is God cruel? Does He withhold His blessing to torment us? May it never be! The result of affliction for those in the Way is joy, not sorrow or defeat. But joy is not victory! It is not restitution. It is not recompense. Joy is the result of allowing God to work out His purposes through me, no matter what that means here and now. The reward of affliction is rest (2 Thess. 1:5) and patience (Rom 5:3), not personal wish fulfillment. Affliction introduces me to the eternal weight of glory (2 Cor 4:17); a weight that is carried on the yoke between Jesus and me. Affliction is the red badge of selfless sacrifice, the honor of participating in the hallmark of my Master. It is God’s stamp that I am worthy.

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