The Delivery Plan

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those being lost, but to us being saved it is the power of God.  1 Corinthians 1:18

Being Saved – The grammar matters.  Without the grammar, you might miss the awesome wonder of this verse.  Without the grammar, this great truth could remain hidden.  The verb is sozo, “to save, deliver, preserve from danger.”  But the grammar is passive present participle.  Present tense – happening right now in this moment.  Participle – going on all the time (the “ing” word, like saving).  And finally passive – being done to me, not doing for myself.  Oh, the wonder of God’s mercy and grace.  I am being saved moment by moment, not by my own efforts but by His actual ability.

Do you know what this means?  It means that the weight of my present experience of God’s rescue does not rest on my shoulders.  It means that God bears the daily burden of delivering me into His arms.  It means that I am free to enjoy being carried.  Grace is not limited to that one moment when I said, “Yes” to my Savior’s call.  Grace extends itself into every moment of my life as I am drawn closer and closer to Him.  God works constantly on my behalf.  He delivers me.

Because we live in a world that is saturated with the fundamental principle of self-sufficiency, we are seduced into believing that we have to earn our way into God’s favor.  Of course, we know we can’t earn forgiveness, but that rarely stops us from thinking that once we are forgiven, we must earn God’s additional benevolence.  So, we end up anxiety-driven legalists.  Did I attend enough services?  Did I tithe enough?  Was I good enough?  Was I humble enough?  Did I pray enough?  We keep spiritual scorecards, determined to achieve the acceptable life.  This verse shouts at us.  “God does not keep score!”  My obedience has nothing to do with earning His favor.  His favor is mine simply because His Son volunteered to stand in my place.  My obedience comes from gratitude, not from achievement

When I get to heaven, I will not be handed a blue ribbon.  I will not have a plaque to hang on the wall or a picture of me shaking hands with Jesus.  My arrival in His presence will happen because He delivers me there.  In the meanwhile, I may choose to serve Him from a grateful heart.  What circumstances I encounter as He is delivering me are up to Him.  How grateful I am to have them is up to me.  But remember, I am just along for the ride.

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