The Path of Conquerors

He pursues them, passing on in safety, by a way he had not been traversing with his feet.  Isaiah 41:3

With His Feet – Isaiah speaks about the coming of Cyrus, king of the Persian Empire.  He proclaims that Cyrus will pursue all his enemies, victoriously passing through the land.  Then Isaiah adds this very peculiar phrase.  What an odd thing to say about the approach of a great conqueror.  What does Isaiah mean?

E. J. Young’s commentary on Isaiah remarks: “Isaiah means to suggest that he will not use the ordinary method of march.  He will not employ his normal strength, trodding along the path as conquerors often must do.”  What enables Cyrus to come in extraordinary means?  The answer is found in the next verse.  Who has planned and accomplished this feat?  Not Cyrus, but God.  “I, Yahweh, am the first and the last.”

We must be reminded that God’s conqueror does not come ka-ragalayn (with his feet).  God’s victor does not arrive in the ordinary, expected way.  On this night, we will celebrate the birth of God’s ultimate Victor who arrived in the most unexpected way.  We won’t give much thought to the insanity of this approach – we are too familiar with the story.  But take a step back and ask yourself, “Do I look for God to arrive in completely unexpected ways or am I staring at the feet?”

Last night I woke up with the verse in my mind.  It came to me in a dream.  I don’t remember a thing about the dream but I clearly remember the verse, as if it were shouted to me.  “Go read Isaiah 41:3!”  God does not come as we expect.  Why should He?  He is the God of infinite creativity, who shares His glory with no one.  To arrive according to our plans would diminish His total sovereignty.  He is God-Unexpected.

Perhaps your life is like mine.  You are looking for God.  You desire His company.  You expectantly hope for His hand of favor.  But you’re looking at the imaginable avenues.  You haven’t understood just how novel God’s thinking really is.  A child, born out of wedlock, in a stable, in the backwoods of a conqueror country – now that’s unusual – and completely in God’s character.

Cast aside your expectations.  Behold the King of glory, the first and the last.  The God of cosmic surprises.

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