The Arithmetic of Prayer

so that I may declare all Your praises in the gates of the daughter of Zion   Psalm 9:14

Declare – When David declares the praises of God, he uses the Hebrew verb saphar.  It implies a great deal more than a simple announcement.  Saphar is the verb for “to count.”  To declare all God’s praises is to count everything that praises Him, one by one.  This is biblical arithmetic.  In fact, the Greek equivalent of saphar is arithmein (that makes it pretty obvious, doesn’t it?). 

Prayer without arithmetic is like painting without a palette.  It all turns out gray.  Prayer includes the counting of all God has done, not just for me but also for all of creation.  Notice that David does not say, “Count all Your blessings.”  David is much more spiritually attuned than those who simply look for God’s personal benevolence.  David is interested in counting all God’s praises (tehillim).  And what sort of things count as praises?  Well, David elaborates in another tehillah, Psalm 111:10.  It’s a familiar theme in an unfamiliar context.  Reverence for God is the beginning of all human wisdom.  All who keep His commandments are benefited.  And His praise endures forever.  In Psalm 111, David helps us see that it is God’s very character that deserves praise.  If I want to count what counts for praise, I will begin with these two things:  1 – God is my sovereign.  Until I understand, acknowledge and live by that fact, I am foolish; and 2 – God is good.  Therefore, all my discernment of the correct pathway depends on living according to His commandments.  No wonder David praises God just for Who He is.

Already in this New Year you have undoubtedly had enough time to know that you are not sovereign lord of your life.  Not everything has gone your way.  Praise God for that.  He has something far more significant in mind for those who follow Him.  Now when you pray, instead of issuing God a summons to explain your situation, start with arithmetic.  Count out His praises.  Oh, and by the way, His praises extend to all that He is sovereign over and all that is connected with His goodness.  It’s a long list.  If you’re going to declare the praises of God today, you might not have time for any of the other things that were on your petition list.  But don’t worry.  He knows what you need.




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