The Academy Awards

As snow in summer and rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool.  Proverbs 26:1

Honor – You can tell a lot about a person by observing whom they honor.  Unfortunately, hero worship today often looks like snow in summer.  It’s certainly upside-down and often damaging to the surroundings.  Solomon understood the power of role models.  That’s why he uses this striking metaphor to open our eyes to the danger.  When we honor those who lack any sense of godly behavior, we suffer the consequences of putting fools in charge of our lives.

The “fool” in the Bible is no dunce.  Fools can be incredibly clever, masterfully proficient and eminently successful.  But they are still fools, because from a biblical perspective a fool is one who attempts to live apart from an intimate and submissive life under God.  A fool is a moral idiot, not a mental one.  Some of the world’s greatest fools own the biggest yachts, the largest homes and the fastest cars.  Some strut the field every Sunday.  Some are idolized in movies and concerts.  Some are chauffeured in government limousines.  But they are still fools.  And when we give them our allegiance, we deserve all the calamity they can inflict.  Any man or women who disdains God’s word is snow in summer and rain at harvest.  Watch out!

Honor is the Hebrew word kavod.  It really means “heavy,” something that has real weight, something solid.  In contrast, the fool is light, flighty and of little substance.  The fool despises God’s wisdom because it challenges the fool’s sense of importance.  He would rather stake his claim to fame on a pound of feathers than submit to the weight of God’s law.  Every time we endorse such rebelliousness, we insult the Creator.  Perhaps we need to take a closer look at our heroes.

Every Christian is a role model.  Someone is always watching.  St. Francis knew the truth when he said that we preach the gospel in every attitude and action, even if we never say a word.  At the same time, every Christian has a role model.  That perfect role model is Jesus.  He is the One worthy of honor.  If you want to counteract the cultural preoccupation with fools, then focus your attention on the Man.  Make Him your guiding light.  Oh, the world will cast you aside.  Fools cannot abide the presence of wisdom.  But He won’t abandon you.

When it comes to your academy awards, honor the wise.  Let the fools deceive themselves.  Take no part in their delusions.  All the wisdom that really matters comes down from above.  So, look up.  Make sure it isn’t snowing during your summer.  Take stock of your heroes.  Be sure there are no fools among them.



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