The Key to Success

In Transjordan, in the land of Moab, Moses undertook to expound this law, saying Deuteronomy 1:5

Expound – Today we think of the Ten Commandments as ethical prescriptions.  They are viewed as the rules for moral living.  We have allowed modification of them (for example, the law concerning the Sabbath), but we still hold these Ten Words to be the foundation of a moral society.  This is right and good, but it is extremely shortsighted.  When Moses elaborated the Law given at Horeb, he had something else in mind.  He wanted the people of Israel to recognize that God’s law was not simply a collection of ethical principles.  It was the description in tangible form of the love relationship between God and His people – and it was the absolute secret of successful living.

The Hebrew word ba’ar means, “to make absolutely clear or plain.”  Moses did more than reiterate the Law.  He took time to spell out its implications in all sorts of real life situations.  He demonstrated how the Ten Commandments stood behind personal and social responsibilities.  He left nothing untouched.  Why did he go to such trouble?  After all, the Commandments were present on the stone tablet.  Moses took pains to elaborate the Law in order that the people would understand one critical point.  Their possession of the promised land had nothing to do with their military might or efforts.  The only reason they were to possess the land was that God established a covenant relationship with them.  God alone brought success.  Unless they were willing to submit themselves to His sovereign lordship, they would never see the fulfillment of His promise.  The Law was not a set of rules.  It was an expression of their willingness to acknowledge God’s rightful authority over every aspect of their lives and to enjoy His rule.

Covenant privilege carries awesome responsibly.  God does not choose us lightly.  His commitment is unwavering and requires an in-kind response.  You cannot play with the authority of God and hope to be rewarded.  That’s why the covenant carries a curse.  Since the Ten Commandments in full exposition represent the character of the God Who gave them, it is incumbent on every believer to make them the anchor of daily action.  Furthermore, there is no exception to this requirement.  If you are in the covenant family, you are held responsible for demonstrating the difference that serving the Lord really makes.  You are not held accountable to human laws.  You are held accountable to the Law of God.  It is non-negotiable.  Why?  Does God wish to constrain you through divine compliance and punishment?  Not at all.  The reason you are held accountable to the Law of God is because God wishes you to be successful and He knows that observation of His Law will align your efforts with the heartbeat of the universe, His creation.  The Law is for your good, not His.

Given the privilege of submission to the Law, can any one of us afford to ignore any of its explanation and application?  If not, then ask yourself how much of Deuteronomy you have seriously considered.

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