No Room Left

Do you see a person who is wise in his own eyes?  There is more hope for a fool than for him?   Proverbs 26:12

Wise – Biblical wisdom doesn’t come with degrees on the wall.  The word hakam covers a host of practical living skills, from builders and metalworkers to leaders and counselors.  But the basis for all these practical applications is given by God, not earned in a university.  The wise person is one who heeds God’s law, accepts rebuke and correction, speaks with appropriate humility and recognizes the Source of his good fortune. 

Of course, there is another kind of “wisdom.”  It is what the world calls “wisdom.”  This kind of wisdom attempts to find its source in the skills and cleverness of men.  Its goal is to find a way to make it on your own.  Its result is a subtle arrogance.  “I’ve got this one down pat.”  “I know my way around.”  “No one’s got anything on me.” 

Solomon was the wisest man in the world, a wisdom that came as a gift from God.  None of his insight was born from himself.  Realizing that his understanding was nothing but a gift, he gives us a warning.  There are plenty of people who think themselves wise.  They believe that they have life in their grasp.  They are the “go for it” guys.  Solomon tells us quite sternly that these people have less hope of true relationships than the fool, and the fool was pretty far gone.  Why is Solomon so harsh?  Because he knows that the first step toward disaster is self-reliance and self-sufficiency.  If my dream is to be my own man (or woman), if I resonate with Frank’s tune, “I did it my way,” then I am surely worse off than the fool.  Even the fool has the hope of severe punishment leading to repentance.  But the man who thinks he is his own god is doomed.  The fool has a little left to be saved, but not the arrogant man.

Our culture idolizes the arrogant.  Of course, we don’t fawn over those who push their arrogance in our faces.  Nevertheless, we all want to be famous, free and fortunate.  We love the tabloids, the celebrities and the rich and famous.  Why?  Because we put the self-made man on the world’s pedestal.  We worship at the feet of those whom we believe grabbed life by the horns.  Who’s the bigger fool:  the one who believes he controls his own destiny or the one who worships the arrogant man?

Christians, unfortunately, are not immune from the terminal disease.  It has been infecting men since Eve thought she could do her job better with a little outside help.  Even those of us with the best of motives can quickly fall victim to the big A (for arrogance) when we start to think we are better, faster, smoother and more capable.  God’s gifts come with awesome responsibility, usually best displayed in those who are reluctant to use them.  If you get comfortable with God’s hand in your life, watch out.  You just may be leaning toward “I can do it myself, thank you,” thinking.

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