The Order of “Things”

For in Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through Him and for Him.  Colossians 1:16

Whether – Are you surprised by this verse?  When it claims that all “things” in heaven and on earth were created by the Christ, what did you think?  Did you think of mountains, continents, stars, people, animals, automobiles or arctic ice caps?  That’s what we usually mean by “things.”  We think in terms of physical objects.  So, were you a little surprised when Paul elaborates and doesn’t include a single physical example?  That should give you pause.  Maybe our perspective isn’t the correct one.

The Bible clearly says that there are invisible, real things.  Not everything has to meet our scientific criteria.  But even more importantly, the Bible is primarily interested in the reality of relationships, visible or invisible.  So, Paul uses eite to introduce a catalog of four kinds of relationships as the essential elements of visible and invisible creation.  Every one of them has something to do with power and control.  All the rest – all that physical stuff we put so much emphasis on – is really secondary.  Why?  Because all the physical stuff will someday be gone.  It doesn’t last. To put my emphasis on material things is to miss creation’s most magnificent attribute.  What really matters are relationships, and in particular, relationships of authority.  “You can’t take it with you,” is the absolute truth.

Why does Paul make this point?  The answer has a direct effect on you.  Paul tells us that every secondary relationship of power and control is under the ultimate, created dominion of Jesus.  That has an amazing implication.  If you stand with the Son, there is nothing in the entire created universe, visible or invisible, that you need to fear.  Every other power is subservient to Him.

Now think about your day-to-day living.  What makes you afraid?  What causes you anxiety and dread?  Paul shouts out, “You have nothing to fear!  Jesus has dominion over all of it.”  Jesus is in charge of the good and the bad, the visible and the invisible.  You don’t have the power to stand up against the legions of the dark domain, but He does!  You might not be able to fight the government, the rulers, the boss or the powers that be, but He can!  You are in league with the owner and ruler of everything.  You have a relationship with the real Boss.

Today you will have opportunities to engage one or more authority relationships.  Each time you recognize what’s happening, ask yourself if you are in line with the real order of “things.”  Ask yourself whose authority stands behind your choice or your feeling.  You might be surprised at what you find.

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