The Challenge

Hear, O Israel, the statutes and ordinances which I am speaking today in your hearing, that you may learn them and observe them carefully.  Deuteronomy 5:1

Observe Them Carefully – So, how’s it working out for you?  How’s your life been this last year?  Can you look back on it and see God’s hand, guiding, directing, reproving and encouraging?  Are you closer to Him now then you were on December 31, 2006? 

Please notice that I did not ask if your life is easier.  That is irrelevant.  The question is not about comfort or ease.  It is about joy and satisfaction.  Are you more in love with the Redeemer today?  Have you made progress in understanding His character and making it the basis of your actions?  Is that your goal of the next year?

Today, I offer a challenge.  For five years we have looked at God’s words.  We have teased out the deeper meanings, penetrated the surface applications and discovered the depths of His revelation.  But these are only words.  Until they become (remember hayah – to be manifest in me) statutes and ordinances that saturate our thinking and our actions, they are useless bits of trivia.  The purpose of God’s words is never information.  It is transformation.  Moses made that abundantly clear when he said, “shemartem la’asotam” (“be on guard to do them”).  The verbs are shamar (to guard, to watch over) and ‘asah (to do, to make, to accomplish).  Shamar is a kind of coupling verb, that is, it describes an action that is directed toward another purpose.  I watch over something in order to do something else.  In this case, I am to guard God’s statutes and ordinances in order to accomplish them in practice.  Just remembering them is not enough.  Writing them down, memorizing them or analyzing them does not fulfill the intended purpose.  I must do them.  That is the only reason God gives them to us. 

So, here’s the challenge.  Beginning tomorrow, we will walk our way through the statutes and ordinances the God gave to Israel on the banks of the Jordan.  We will look at every one, carefully, in order that we might do them.  Every day we will add one more intended action to the catalogue of God’s commands.  Every day, until we have completed all of them, you will be asked to carefully observe the statute or ordinance by putting it into action in your life.  We will begin a journey of transformation together.  The purpose of this journey is really simple.  It is to be obedient to God precisely as He instructs us. 

This is not legalism.  We do not expect to gain credit with God for being obedient.  We don’t expect life to become easier either.  We accept this commitment because we know that God knows the best way to live in this world.  He designed it – and we want to please Him by honoring Him in all that we do.  This is a journey of thanksgiving and love, made possible by His rescue and redemption.  We volunteer to submit because we love Who He is.

A year from now there will be no hesitation in answering the question, “How’s it working out for you?”  A year from now, we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds – and the work of our hands and feet.  Are you with me?

A Thank-You Note

At the end of each year, I offer the complete electronic file of Today’s Word and the index to all those who wish to receive it.  The cost is $10.  Please request by e mail with a phone number. 

For all who made contributions to the work of At God’s Table, these files are free.  Just send me an e mail so that I can return them to you.  Thank you.

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