Closing Statement

Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD, Isaiah 1:18

Let Us Reason Together – Perhaps on this day, the last day of the year, you will allow me a little personal reflection.  This day is the 2191st day of Today’s Word.  Six years ago when I started writing this daily journey into God’s Word and God’s words, I could not have imagined that it would have such an impact – on me and on you, my readers.  Over the years, you have supported my efforts to turn these words into hands-and-feet reality.  Together we build houses, roads, and walls.  We provided electricity, water, food and clothing to the poorest of the poor.  We gave books, lectures, teaching and studies to hundreds of pastors, students and others.  We reasoned together, every day for two thousand one hundred and ninety one days.

This journey has been life-changing for me.   It started with God’s recall of my pursuit of self-sufficiency.  In that disastrous loss, I learned that I was a lot more like Jacob than Job.  I was not a righteous man.  The Hebrew word Yakob fits me pretty well.  In the six years since, I hope that I am moving toward being more like Israel, the one who wrestles with God.

During this journey, I have discovered that the wealth of Israel’s legacy with the Lord also belongs to me, and to everyone who has been grafted into the body of the Messiah.  I have learned that our father Abraham is not merely a title, but rather a reality.  All of Israel’s history with YHWH is mine, and all His promises, blessings and instructions are mine as well.  Hopefully, you have begun to make this wonderful discovery.  Most Christians have been deprived of an enormous well-spring of living water because they have been victims of misunderstanding the single, uniform nature of God’s revelation.  Today’s Word is about recovering that living water.

At God’s Table ( and Today’s Word is about to change.  What I know is that the Hebrew view of reasoning together doesn’t end with thinking.  The word here is yakach.  It means “to decide, to judge, to convince, to reprove, to correct and to be right.”  Hebrew cognitive activities always result in tangible actions.  Unless there is a change in life, no thought is really complete.  In fact, in Hebrew, I don’t know something until it shows up in the way I behave.  What I realize now is that the words we study every day must also result in action, and that means we must move toward a community of ones who are being right together.  I am convinced that community must become a vital part of Today’s Word.  So, I am taking a bold step, establishing a way for every supporter of Today’s Word to be able to interact with each other.  A new web site with this capability will soon replace the current web site.  Furthermore, since I believe that the purpose of Today’s Word is not information, but rather transformation, this new community will be for those who have taken action in support of the projects of At God’s Table.  Contributions in any form demonstrate a desire for transformation.  These people walk the talk.  Over the last six years, I have discovered that those who make an effort to support this work are the ones who regularly communicate and interact with me.  I want to open the door so that you can all help each other.  What this means is simple:  If you have made any contribution at all, by direct support or by purchasing a book or through any other means, you are invited to continue the journey.  If you haven’t made a contribution, you are invited to act on the words you have received.  If you decide that this isn’t part of your journey, be blessed.  God is simply taking you on another path.  Of course, there will always be room for those who are simply unable to support this journey but who really want to join it.

Over the next few months, the mailing list will change.  Those who have helped in the past will remain.  Nothing will change for anyone who has helped.  Those who want to continue but have not put feet on the ground yet, will have an opportunity to act accordingly.  I hope you will decide that reasoning together is a valuable part of your walk too.  The result will be a smaller audience, but one that is committed to real transformation and community.  When the new web site is done, you will be able to interact with everyone else who is reading Today’s Word if you desire to do so.  We will all be blessed in the process.  I will be able to concentrate my efforts on the community that really wants to walk forward with me. You’ll have plenty of time to think about this if you want to join.

There will be a new entry path for those who have just discovered Today’s Word.  They will receive thirty days of the fundamentals before they are asked to join the rest of the community.  There will also, I hope, be podcasts where you can hear the studies as well as read them.  And eventually, there will be face-to-face retreats where we can get to know each other in person.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and support over these years.  You have contributed to my walk more than I can say.  I love each of you for your faithfulness.  May the Lord bless you and keep you as we search His Word together.


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