The Authorized Summary

This is the one who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel who spoke to him at Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, who received living words to give to us. Acts 7:38

Living Words – Stephen’s speech got him killed. In it, he summarizes the entire history of God’s interaction with Israel. He describes the whole range of God’s plan, culminating in the resurrection of the promised Messiah. He proclaims Yeshua as God. And he does all this as a first century Jew. What he says is crucial to our understanding of what was taking place in the early gatherings of believers.

We already know that one word in this verse is intentionally altered in its English translation. That word is ekklesia. Translated “church” in every other use in the New Testament, here it is translated “congregation” in order to avoid the natural conclusion that there is no difference between the “church” and the gathering of Israel. Theological bias that separates the Christian “church” from the congregation of Israel forces this “once only” alteration. It’s unjustified, deliberate and misleading.

But there is another implication in Stephen’s inspired speech that we can’t overlook. Stephen says that the content of the message delivered to Moses at Mount Sinai was “living words” specifically given to the children of Israel. The Greek phrase is logia zonta. The phrase is unusual, in spite of its common usage among Christians today. You will find something close to it in Jeremiah 23:36 and Hebrews 4:12. What does this odd phrase mean? Certainly it must mean that what God gave Moses is considered inspired, sacred and canonical (those are all different things). What it means is that what God told Moses isn’t dead, out-dated, abrogated or set aside. As far as Stephen is concerned, the words given to Moses by the Angel are still active, living and applicable on the day that he spoke before the Sanhedrin. As the first martyr in the Christian faith, Stephen is held in high regard by all believers. What he says should be taken seriously.

The implication is hard to miss unless you close your eyes. Stephen is martyred because he says that the Torah leads directly to Yeshua, that Israel has disobeyed the Torah by not accepting Yeshua as the promised Messiah and that all of the words given to Moses are still active and alive today. Nowhere in his speech does Stephen even hint that somehow the living words are no longer applicable. In fact, if he thought that they had been set aside by the death and resurrection of Yeshua, his entire argument falls apart. The reason that these disobedient Jews are condemned is because the words of Torah still apply. These living words are the proof of their disobedience. If Christianity really has no connection with the “old” law, then who cares if the Jews weren’t faithful to God’s revelation on Sinai?

Stephen’s speech smacks of heresy if “the age of the Torah would be replaced by the age of the Messiah” and “the saving significance of Jesus’ cross . . logically involv[es] the abrogation of the law” (Fung, Galatians, NICNT). We can’t have it both ways. Stephen must either be an inspired man of God, the first martyr of the Messianic believers, or he is just one more confused Jew who doesn’t realize that the Law doesn’t matter anymore.

Maybe we need to hear what the text says rather than read what the theology tells us.

Topical Index: Stephen, Torah, living words, logia zonta, Acts 7:38

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…one who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel

Is one of the points you are making that Moses is alone in the wilderness outside a building but spiritually connected to a community, a “set of rules.” and God?


Thanks. Of course. For some reason, I had a picture in my mind that Moses was by himself. Not quite awake 🙂

a beautiful Icon of Moses at this url:


Jesus is in the Old Testament more than the New. He created the heavens and the earth as testified in John 1:3 and Col1: 15 & 16, He made covenant with Abraham as testified by Galations 3:16 29, quoting from Genesis 17:7 (It’s AMAZING how much of the Old Testament is quoted in the New, once your start reading the Old for understanding. I used to never see that!) we are the seed if we are in Him and he was the seed. He redeemed His people from Egypt, (Who is the “Right Hand?” and who was the Pillar?) Ezekiel 16 describes the proposal of the marriage contract that was executed between the Groom (Jesus) and the Bride at Mt. Sinai. The issue is: we see it now in hindsight. Maybe that was so they WOULD crucify the Lord of Glory. But He is definitely all over the Old Testament! We see the “Bride” in the New Testament and have no problem identifying ourselves with it, however, we fail to see all that leads up to that day. And frankly, I have only begun to get just a GLIMPSE as am just beginning to see. I have only been in this walk a short time. I am sure there is way more.

It dawned on me that the children of Israel were SAVED out of their bondage, and then AFTER they were saved, they were given the Instructions for Living, the Torah. hmmm



The Holy Spirit is instructing you mightily and quickly!


carl roberts

yes Yolanda there is “way more”. Stay tuned to this website for daily blessings. “Precept upon precept, line upon line”, -there is more. Yeshua (or Jesus if you prefer) said, “the words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.”- The ten words or ten commandments given at Mt. Sinai were given by G-d. Whatever He says or does has eternal impact. His words are eternal. They never lose their veracity or authority. They are every bit in force today as they were when they were given. Our Messiah is the human face of G-d, or the Word incarnate (made flesh). The atoning blood of the passover lamb is the master theme of both old and new covenant. As the book of Hebrews states the transition from Old to New was the transition from symbol to substance. Our Master says, “these are they which testify of me”. Names, dates, places, events and more in the O.T. all refer to our Messiah and to His once hidden but now revealed bride. I am so excited for you and pray G-d would give you great joy as you delight in discovering Him within these “living words” of scripture.

Jeffrey Curtis

I thank our Lord and Savior Yehshua for the interance of His Word, this amazing quest is transforming my mind daily so I want to also thank you all, for the ability to communicate our thoughts and our hearts, I am being blessed with so much revelation and this has cause such a thirst and hunger for more of the bread of Life that we consume daily.
May the Lord continue to bring us into this Truth.