New Version of

Hey everyone.  It’s Patrick, Skip’s Tech Geek, writing.

I updated the version of WordPress that powers  It was mostly a “behind the scenes”, technical upgrade.  So most people won’t notice too much different visually when you visit the site.

As far as I know, everything is working fine.  But if you have any trouble, please leave a comment here and I’ll look into it.

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LaVaye-Ed Billings

Patrick, I do not have a problem on above notice, BUT, I would like to know if there is anyway that I can print individual replys from the comments? It would be so helpful for some of the post that I want to use regularly, example the information sent out by Yolanda on dates of Festivals, and more. —- I am elderly, and setting in front of the computer is not easy for me to do long periods of a time, searching for such things. I often hand write some information, that is difficult, too. But If I knew how to print it, I could manage the materail so much better. Thanks a lot. L.B.

Patrick (Skip's Tech Geek)

LaVaye, would this work for you?
1. Holding down the left-button on your mouse, select / highlight the text from the Comment you want to print
2. Right-click on the highlighted area and select “Copy”
3. Open up Microsoft Word
4. Right-click and select Paste.
5. File > Print…

Another thing that might help is I turned “comment printing” on. In each Today’s Word, there is a link at the bottom of the article that says, ‘Click here for a printer-friendly version’…that will now print out comments.

Last, you can make any Today’s Word look printer friendly by adding “/print/” at the end of the page address. For instance,
Regular Page:
Printer Friendly Page:

Does that help?

LaVaye-Ed Billings

Patrick, you are truly a genius in your field! I am sure at least the last one, where you stated you turned “comment printing” on, will work. ASAP , I will try them all. Then I will let you know. Thank you so very much!— Neat! L.B.


This is a test.

LaVaye-Ed Billings

Michael, Where have you been? On a new job, I hope. But with all the interaction going on, I have missed seeing your comments. I must stop reading and writing so much, and clean my utility/computer/office room, it is a wreck. Not enough space for the books I need in here, therefore the washer and dryer, a stool, and two small tables are covered with them. Refrig. # 2 is in here too, and the door to the garage. Needless to say we are crowded in here!

OCT./NOV/DEC. ARE the months people like to visit. The weather is usually the best we have until April and May. Our Oct. calendar is rapidly filling in with people asking to come and visit. It seems reorganization is daily needed, I try, the next day, it is needed again. Peace, Joy, the love of God to you and your wife, and little ones. L.B.

( for the comment above, did you pass the test?)


Hi LaVaye,

Thanks for thinking of me….makes me feel good 🙂

Actually, I have been here with you all along in “read-only” mode.

Every so often I go through brief periods where I receive an “HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error” when I try to reply to Today’s Word.

So in response to Patrick’s “” update notification, I wrote “This is a test” to see if I could access the system.

I guess I passed that test 🙂

Speaking of a new job, I was looking at one but apparently they gave it to an internal candidate about the same time that gave me the internal server error.

Most folks would probably think that was a bad sign, a sort of “double whammy;” but as an old IT “end to end test” manager I tend to see it as just another test and don’t let it get a rise out of me.

In any case, thanks again for thinking of me.

Bless you and your family.


Evelyn Browning

I would like to be able to print the lesson without the comments. Is that no longer possible?

LaVaye-Ed Billings

Evelyn, I sure hope so, but I am not the computer geek of Partick and apparently Mike, and many others, so I do not know. But I am sure, Patrick will work it out for you.

We have been printing Skip’s DD almost since his beginnings, and they have taken over an entire large file Cabinet. The time has come for us not to print unless totally necessary. We must clean out in all areas, as I described above to Mike. Americans are known for having garages full of stuff and leaving there cars outside. We downsized to one vehicle of our own, and do have a carport over it, Yes, the garage is full of stuff–includes the file cabinet full of Skip’s DD.

LaVaye-Ed Billings

Evelyn ( Patrick) , others,
Especially to Evelyn asking whether you could just print the lesson without the comments; I have been checking all that Patrick wrote out. So to your question Evelyn, I found out, ‘YES” you may just print the lesson.

At the bottom, all of the comments come up, but above them just underneath the lesson, where it says ” Print”, there is a choice: At bottom of the lesson “Chain Letter”, it says, 7 Comments (open) (close) . ( If you do not want the comments, click on (close)–little dots encircle it. Then click on (open), and print –it prints out only the lesson. At least that is the way it worked for me. I was relieved that I had not caused a problem for you by asking to print certain comments.

Patrick (Skip's Tech Geek)

LaVaye, thanks for explaining that to Evelyn. 🙂

Evelyn Browning

Yes, clicking on close does eliminate the comments from the printing and will save me much filing space. Thank you, so very much. E


Hi Evelyn,

Regarding storage and printing of Today’s Word, did you know that if you have a Google userid for email (gmail) you can:

1. Access your email version of Today’s Word from any browser.
2. Store your email version of Today’s Word in an Google file for free.
3. Have a list of titles for every Today’s Word sorted by date.
4. Search on every Today’s Word by using keywords.

You can access your copy of Today’s Word online and copy and reformat whatever content you want to Word for printing or to gmail for sharing with friends.

By nature I’m not particularly technical, but I cannot imagine saving hardcopies when this relatively simple process is available for free.

You might want to try it if you haven’t already.

Evelyn Browning

Michael, thanks for that information. I’m not, nor is my computer, so up-to-date. I just rejoice that I know enought to print and file for continued study of the material. I will look for someone to educate me further electronically. Thank you for the challenge. Evelyn


Hi Evelyn,

I would be happy to help you walk through this process, which should be pretty simple.

If we have “technical” questions, Patrick is the expert, but I think this is just a “user” process.

You must have a browser to get to

If you would like to walk through this process with me, click on the following url:

You should arrive at a window with the following information:

Signing up
Anyone in the world is now welcome to create a Gmail address at Enjoy!

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, will be to create a gmail id.

But, as you can probably tell by now, this is not mission impossble 🙂

juan cotto

geacias por sus comentario hermanos tengo problemas con mis mensajes pues
los recibo en ingles y no hablo ese idioma seria posible mandarmelos en espanol

Bessy Bendaña

Hermano, se puede suscribir a las páginas en español en la pagina principal, y allí presione “La Palabra de Dios.” También puede suscribirse a la serie de 30 Días del Pensamiento Hebreo en /, allí presione la opción Español.

