A New Year’s Resolution

Let your way of life be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” Hebrews 13:5

Content – How’s it working out for you?  Has it been a tough year?  Have you struggled?  I have.  Maybe most of us have.  We all know economic woes, but in the long run, those don’t really matter too much, do they?  The things that really bother us are usually far more personal than our money.  In fact, if money is so personal in your life that it rises to the top of the list, then it’s probably time to read this verse again.  The real point of this verse is contentment.  That’s the biggest struggle for most of us.  We are a long way away from the prayer of the sages: “Lord, make my heart so malleable that I am ready and willing to accept whatever You provide for me.”  We need to learn contentment.  I suppose that process is very much the same as the one which says, “And He learned obedience through suffering” (Hebrews 5:8).

Frankly, contentment is impossible unless I trust the Lord.  That’s why the author of Hebrews points us toward His faithfulness.  How can I be content if I think contentment is about anything except His faithfulness?  If my contentment rests on any other foundation, I will be disappointed, won’t I?  This is a good time to reflect on the truth that whatever the world provides, it can repossess (with interest).  A life built on sand is a life built on people, possessions and power.  It’s wonderful when you have these things but they are merely blessings of His grace.  In the end, life must be built on something more solid than blessings.  The rock-bottom of contentment is the fact that He will not forsake us, even when everything else seems to evaporate.

The Greek verb here is arkeo.  It is essentially the expression of being satisfied with the provision of God.  “My grace is sufficient” is exactly the same concept (and word).  God provides.  How He provides and what He provides is not my concern.  My concern is simply that He does provide and I am called to rest in that truth.  The real character of my life is reflected in the foundation of my rest.  May I be restless to do His will – and to rest in Him.  This is the sacred balance: that His purpose becomes my driving force and His character becomes my contentment.  The entire message of Scripture can be read in these words:  May I find rest in You, O Lord.

Do you need a New Year’s resolution worth pursuing?  Try this:  Rest, O my soul, in the graciousness of God.

Topical Index:  rest, contentment, arkeo, Hebrews 13:5

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Jaqueline Hoeck

Good Morning i read your blog frequently and wanted to wish you all the best for 2010!

Roy W Ludlow

I am so in the habit of charging ahead, taking care of things as best I can that I tend to forget that all of my efforts are really not worth much. Yes, a good New Year’s Resolution for m is to rest in God, allowing Him to do with me as He pleases. Like most resolutions that are made, to keep this one will take continual awareness on my part. God help me!

David Salyer

Thanks, Skip. This was like a cool drink of water in the desert. Ahh…refreshment for the soul. The two great questions of mankind, and the ones each one of us have asked or will ask at some point (and perhaps many times) in our lives are: 1. Is God there? (A cry for His personal presence) and 2. Does God care? (A cry for His personal grace, mercy and love). And to this appeal, God answers: 1. I will never leave you (The promise of His presence) and 2. I will never forsake you (The promise that He cares)….It is enough because only God Himself has proven and will continue to prove Himself faithful no matter what our circumstances might be.

Suzi Van Liew

I was away from my computer for a week & just got around to reading this. Wanted to say I’ve been learning first-hand of our Lord’s faithfulness & caring. I am learning to trust Him & relax.
Very hard to do. I’m sure many will say, “Don’t I know it!”
Thanks, Skip, for the encouraging that you do. It means so much to so many.


Dear Skip,

Thank you for the reminder of contentment.

To me it was a reminder that regardless of things changing that He is sufficient.
He has been gracious to me and provided in a way that I know it is only Him.

During this year I doubted what was happening… things that I did not anticipate changed.

Since salvation in May 2000 I felt my church home was a safe place. But the Word became less important there and entertainment the theme… which caused a stirring to find a place of worship that revered the Word of God above all things from this world. And today I trust the God will give my husband and I grace and wisdom for such a place. I am content with knowing that God’s word is true, powerful, and a protection.

Family changed… buying into feelings rather than faithfulness to Him. Again the testing took place… family should be safe, right? But when happiness and celebration in the midst of immorality occurs and critism for standing in God’s Word happens … well that is not as safe as I once thought. I stood for God’s truth… and feel His peace.

This year He has proven time and time again that He is worth being content with.

I do pray rest, O my soul, in the graciouseness of God.

Kelly Abeyratne

It is my personal prayer that I too may be restless to do His will and to be content no matter what I am facing.