Monica Wrote To Us – All of Us

I got this email from Monica:

“We have felt so very isolated during this time of travelling in the deep valley. Thank you again for your prayers. Without prayer-where would we be? Without God’s faithfulness, lovingkindness and mercy-where would I be? I am touched to know my “family” does care. I have not experienced even such kindness from my own biological family. I must say I battle my own cynicism concerning the way the Body of Christ treats each other. Please, if you don’t mind, pray for my daughter, Bethany and her husband, Connor and my son, Jordan. They do love the Lord and know Him, but remain cynical toward the Body. They have been spiritually abused and it is a long road back. Thank you, Monica”

On the same day I got this in the mail:

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Robin Jeep

Beautiful! At last a body of believers who give where we are supposed to give instead of giving to building funds, etc. I always wondered where the NT believers were. Now I know.


Dearest Monica, treasure of our Father,

You have not been forgotten by G-d and you will not be forgotten in this house. Your plight is before us on the wall in our dinning room written down on a purple heart shaped sticky paper.

Please remember that at Yeshua’s first coming these were the exact conditions. The leaders of the “Church” of the day were self centered gluttons who beat the sheep and fleeced them in the spring AND the fall leaving them bloodly and freezing through the winters.

Be strong and of good courage. The Good shepherd see’s every tear and will not let this slide. Strengthen what remains and look up. Your redemption isn’t in the church.

Yeshua (Salvation) is near and coming quickly. Maranatha (“O YHVH, come!”)

YHVH bless you and KEEP you

Carolyn Camfield

Dear Sister Monica, beloved of the LORD,

We know what you are going through as have been in the same position. My husband had lost his job and we had no one to help. Never even told anyone.We had a garden and lived out of it, praise the Lord! One afternoon as was stirfrying our veggies i was talking to the Lord and thanking Him for our abundant supply of veggies and then added that it sure would be nice to have either a chicken or pot roast to go with them and the neediest widow came by and had them both in hand. Praise the Lord! He gives us the desires of our heart when He decides it is time and then we are so thankful.

Lord bless and keep you and your family. Will keep you in our prayers..

carl roberts

Dear sister, under His mercy is the best place you can be. I remember asking a friend, “How’s it going?” “Well,” he replied, “it’s hand-to-mouth, but it’s G-d’s hand to my mouth and I kinda like it that way…” I’ve never forgotten this. (by His hand we all are fed..-amen?
A brief (?) story. My car was stolen Tuesday, lost my job the next day Wednesday. The ol’ one-two punch. Unemployed for the next nine months. Months of unemployment ain’t no fun for the brain especially with in-laws involved. (Got a job yet?) ..
But during these nine months a transfiguration and a transformation took place. I started spending more time with G-d and focusing my attention (as it should have been) a little more on “unseen things above.” Heavy thought for the day…-we can’t see G-d. We place our trust in things we cannot see, nevertheless, they are there- (rest assurred). Phone call “happened” on day- “we’ed like for you to come to work for us”.. I wasn’t actively seeking- they phoned me.. (Was this a “G-d thing?”). Yes.. it was.
Went to work on one of the best jobs I ever had. It had everything, but especially what I enjoyed, was the fact -I knew Who was “both” large and in charge..- in other words- “G-d did this.” This was a sho’ nuff gift from His beneficent hand. (Praise His name).
All is well-we’re rockin’ steady, but we need a car. Hard to function on one, so we prayed and yes, G-d id answer our prayers- (still driving this car!-comin’ up on 200K..)
The wife is driving our new car to Nashville to visit with her brother who is sick in the hospital. Dad and two other brothers are in our new car (new to us) on the expressway talking about how nice the car is when: (uh-oh, crisis!)- the engine overheats and our “new” car is parked on the side of the expressway.. DOA. Long story short- new engine.
Towed the car to a Christian mechanic and he proceeded to tell his story (this is the one you need to hear!) This is why my car broke down, so I could get to his place and hear his testimony..- Don’t you love Providence? ‘
His story. 911 happens and no business is coming up his driveway. $111 in the bank, house-note due, and no Christmas presents for the kids.. Things are looking pretty bleak for him when he walks into church to pray and says- “G-d, this is a distraction for me and I don’t need to be distracted right now because I am here to worship You.” I had me a “G-d moment.” I knew why Elohim had brought me to this man so I could hear these words- “no distractions.” You see dear Monica.. -YHWH wants our focused attention.. (in Hebrew, -“kavannah”). BTW- what gets our attention quicker than pain/sorrow/affliction? We’ll let David answer this one: “it is good for me that I have been afficted..” (Psalm 119.71)
What a shock it was for me to learn- “suffering” is one of my needs.. Please do understand- I do not like pain- it hurts. But G-d is purposeful in everything He does and I promise- He wastes nothing!- It’s all good!- (and it is!) Sister Monica..- “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”.
Who shall deliver me? -You know His name, call upon it! “Ask, and you will receive.”
We (who have known suffering- and please don’t judge me,-it’s a total waste of your time and mine), I realize there are those who suffer ten times (and more) than I, but I know Elohim has a plan for every life. He loves all of us, but more importantly He loves each of us -although sometimes He has a strange way of showing love. The Captain of our salvation was made perfect through suffering. We are in good company! Oh, there is so much to say, that maybe cannot or should not be said, just know -G-d is in this and in no small way! In order for G-d to use us, He first has to break us or “meek” us as in breaking a wild stallion. -It’s not an easy process and there will be possible dark days ahead. When you cannot see His hand, trust His heart. The “dark night of the soul?” Yeah.. been there/done that.. and there may be “yet” another, but with every crisis (le’ crisis du jour) we grow stronger in our faith. He can be trusted, He has yet to lose one sheep! He will though turn us “every which way but loose”, -the strength is in the struggle! Remember His words to His talmudim (that’s us!)- “Let us go over to the other side…’ He didn’t say- “Hey y’all!-let’s go out into the middle of the lake and drown in the storm!”.. no, not at all. We just need to pay a little more attention to His words.. -“all of them.” In the end, you will join me and thousands of others who are today singing- “What a Friend We Have in Jesus! G-d’s purpose in all of this? to conform ( a word of heat and pressure) us into the image of the Son! “The fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold!!” -Is G-d going for the gold? I’ve got another “furnace” story… but that’s for another day! It’s time for me to pray for Monica! Amen!


Shabbat Shalom Monica,

I love the abundance of life that is found on your note of thanks. Praying that in your life where you have experienced lack and great difficulty, you will begin to experience life and life abundantly! King Yeshua thank you for this family, and the oppurtunity to love them in tangible ways. In the days to come, may we all rise up to the fullness of what Your body should be walking out, in partnership with you. Shabbat Shalom to you and your precious family!