Action and Attitude

But I say to you . . .”  Matthew 5:22, 28, 34, 39, 44  NASB

But I say to you – We can add a contemporary version of Yeshua’s famous introduction.  “You have heard it said that Judaism is focused on works instead of the right heart attitude, but I say to you that the Jewish worldview has always viewed both action and attitude as crucial.”  Yeshua might have corrected misapplications and misunderstanding of some Torah instructions and some traditions, but He didn’t do anything more than many of the Jewish sages and rabbis attempted to do.  De lego humin (Greek – I say to you) could have easily been found in the mouth of Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Judah (in Hebrew rather than Greek, of course).

“Judaism as an order of living stresses the necessity of outward acts as well as inward moments – despite the threat that the first may gain primacy over the second, that observance may deteriorate into mere habit, that the religious act may become commonplace, stale, and vapid.”  “Giving priority to the person, to the inner life, [the Kotzker] stressed that service to God must be eventful, a happening within the person.”[1]

The absence of a Christian dualism in the Hebraic worldview causes us to realize that action and attitude must always be melded in order to serve the Lord.  “For Christians this world is one realm and Heaven is another.  To the Jews this world and Heaven are not separate.  They are one and the same thing.”[2]

What we fail to realize when we read these “corrections” in the mouth of Yeshua is that they are intramural debates within the rabbinic community.  The Pharisees were particularly adept at self-criticism and many of their leaders voiced harsh words concerning the absolute necessity of a marriage of action and attitude.  What else would we expect from a religious community that embraced the sensitivities of the prophets?  Sacrifices without repentance, offerings without inner purity, prayers without divine empathy were just as appalling to other rabbis as they were to Yeshua.  The Christian mythology that stereotypes the Pharisees as the men in the black hats is simply wrong.  Every group has its brigands.  Pharisees and Christians are no exception.  But Yeshua is not correcting the entire religious sect.  He is speaking to those who are abusing their religious standing, just as He would say the same things to some of us.

Pharisaical “works righteousness” is an invention of Augustine and Luther.  Were there religious men who thought they could earn God’s favor through their own efforts?  Of course there were.  We have them today in churches across the world.  Every true follower of YHWH knows that human effort cannot be the basis of God’s favor.  Yeshua simply reminds His contemporaries what they already knew.  God is a God of grace and obedience.  You don’t get one without the other.

Topical Index:  works righteousness, Torah, but I say to you, Matthew 5:22

[1] Abraham Heschel, A Passion for Truth, pp. 168-169.

[2] Ibid., p. 173.

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carl roberts

What a man believes he lives by- all the rest is just religious talk.
Abraham is known as the father of the faithful. G-d spoke unto him and gave him instructions concerning his son. This falls under the category of “strange but true.” “Kill the son of promise?” Abraham must have thought. I would have too, and I’ll venture to say so would anyone in their right mind.
The disciples were fishing, toiling all night casting their nets into the sea in hopes of a catch. Yeshua, an ex-carpenter, instructs them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. What difference does six feet make? “Nevertheless at Thy word..” If anyone else said to do this, there is no way on the planet I would listen, but because it is you- because You say so, -I will (first) listen, and then (second) obey your instructions. “Whatever You will say- I will do it.” Obedience (to ADONAI) equals blessing. Yes, “shema” O Israel. Listen and follow directions. Lather, rinse, repeat.
G-d instructed Abraham. Who is speaking? G-d is. What are His instructions? Go and sacrifice your son, your only son- (and don’t miss this!!)- “whom you love.” Did G-d know Abraham loved Isaac the sacrificial son? Don’t think the miraculous birth of Isaac when Abraham and Sarah both were well passed the time of physically being able to have children didn’t have any effect upon Abraham and Sarah both?
How Abraham’s head must have reeled. Is this a slap in the face? -What is G-d doing here? What on earth is this all about? – Is Abraham questioning G-d’s instructions? Or is this blind obedience? Is Abraham cowering in fear before the thrice-holy G-d thundering from the heavens, speaking in a voice that breaks the land apart? -No, he is not. Neither one are true.- Why?- Because Abraham was the friend of G-d.
Please also notice G-d was not the friend of Abraham.. no… – Abraham was G-d’s friend. Abraham was the beneficiary of the benevolence of ONE who was greater than himself. (so much greater!) and also please notice, Abraham had a history with G-d. A great man once said, “the way we know our future is by looking at our past.” Hmm.. Abraham’s relationship with the G-d who now is (the I AM) is being tested. I wonder if Abraham thought,- “this is a test.” YHVH is testing me to see if our relationship is real.
Abraham, Peter, Skip, Carl, Mary- lovest Thou me more than these? “Yes, LORD,” we reply. – “Then feed my sheep.” Our mission, our purpose, our destiny and our daily instructions have just been given- “feed my sheep.” Mission 3.16.
One other Hebrew “goodie” is present here. This one put me on the floor. I was one bumfuddled fellow when I read this and I am aiming for this to have the very same impact upon you, dear reader- (still there?) as it did for me.
G-d said, “Abraham.” (first, He called him by name!) He didn’t say- “Hey you!” Number forty four, listen up! No, G-d said Abraham and called him by name. Abraham had to undergo a name change. He, because of his relationship (remember, this is not religion- too early for that!- this is pure relationship-“do you love me more than anything or anyone?” -Love, and the depth of love is being both defined and demonstrated- right here, right now. Love, dear friends, is measured by sacrifice.

What heights of love, what depths of peace
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease..

G-d said to Abraham (His longtime friend- Abraham had a history with G-d- remember?)- G-d said- “Please.” G-d, in infinite humility is saying to His longtime friend- Abraham, “please” take your son and sacrifice him unto me. In Hebrew- (we are interested in Hebrew-right?) “na.” “Na” take your son.. your only son- whom you love.. “For G-d SO loved the world..” Oh- what does this have to do with that? – (na) -only everything.
Everything Abraham and Sarah both held dear was wrapped up in that boy. Isaace was the son of promise. This was the legacy, this was the continuance, this was the promised Son of YHVH!- and yet .. I am supposed to kill him? – Once again..- what were the instructions of YHWH? -Shema O Israel- listen and obey.- “Whatever He says unto you- do it.” Why?- Obedience equals blessing.
Shall we continue? -(this “story” does have a happy ending!) Nevertheless- at Thy word- because YOU say so.. ADONAI- My G-d.. -I will do this. I will do this thing because I know you. I have a history with you, I know You are good, I know You are just, I know You are pure, I know You are holy, and G-d, You are So worthy. I will listen and I will obey. I will act according to your instructions, -I will do as You say. I will do this “according to your words..”
And the next morning, Abraham saddled his donkey. He made preparations and he followed through with his plans to “go..”. “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to every nation..” – Who said this? What were His instructions? Are we listening?
You and I are standing together. We are not strangers, you know me. We are long-time friends. We have know each other for some time now.. I say unto you.. “Skip, I would like to give one hundred dollars to your ministry.” “Wonderful!,” you say. Anticipation starts to build.. (stop that salivating Skip!..) I reach into my pocket to retrieve my wallet and the aforementioned Benjamin.. I have said unto my longtime friend, “I would like to give unto you _____.” Skip,- you know me,- we have a history together. Do you trust me to “follow through” upon my words? Are you anticipating, do you “hope for” this gift to appear? Do you believe me when I say..? Can I be trusted to perform that which I have promised? p.s.- Don’t look at me,- look at Him! (Hey..- where’s the beef?)
G-d didn’t say unto some random kid- “go kill Goliath!” No, David (too) had a history with G-d. A lion, a bear, and now this big Galoot. Did David’s thoughts go like this? G-d was faithful and delivered me from the lion, G-d was faithful and delivered me from the bear, and now- will G-d be faithful (once more) and deliver me from this monstrosity? Look at that punkin head- must be the size of a barn- how can I possibly miss a noggin’ like that? G-d, will You be with me? Will you deliver me for Your name’s sake and the glory of your people, Israel? Will You be faithful- once again? Will you deliver me from evil?
Is G-d good? Is G-d always good? Does G-d “deliver?” Does G-d always deliver? Do you have a history with G-d? “Will G-d be faithful to all He has promised? Shall we together, review and remember (and rejoice?) – “but G-d is Faithful..” Semper Fi.

David Williams

Carl…I only hope the sermon I will listen to, in a few hours, will resonate and reward my listening, as your commentary rewarded my reading. Well written!! Shalom!!

Jan Carver



i am friend of GOD…

Ian Hodge

“Pharisaical “works righteousness” is an invention of Augustine and Luther.” You have to wonder what Sha’ul was writing about when he said: Rm. 2: “28 For the real Jew is not merely Jewish outwardly: true circumcision is not only external and physical. 29 On the contrary, the real Jew is one inwardly; and true circumcision is of the heart, spiritual not literal; so that his praise comes not from other people but from God.”

What issue was he addressing? The one that said the external acts of obedience (righteousness) were the grounds of acceptance with God. Not so, says, Sha’ul. There is no works righteousness here, as he says in 3:28: “Therefore, we hold the view that a person comes to be considered righteous by God on the ground of trusting, which has nothing to do with legalistic observance of Torah commands.”

“Works righteousness” was the invention of those who misunderstood Torah, and Sha’ul wrote about it long before Augustine or Luther came on the scene.

carl roberts

yes, sweet sister Jan,- He is Faithful. For I (too) have a history with G-d. I must confess, today was a “trying” day. No details, just to say- I’m ready for some R&R. I have the next two days to recharge. G-d always knows our needs and He always provides just what we need and also (amazingly) when we need it.
Right now- I am in need of rest and refreshment. I just enjoyed a marvelous supper and am home enjoying the most pleasant weather (here in Tennessee) and in the company of my dear family. In moments like these I like to practice Psalm 46.10 and to “be still.” Sometimes (most of the time) we get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget to -‘come apart and rest awhile.’
“Find rest, O my soul, in G-d alone; my hope comes from Him.” (Psalm 62.5)