Do You Think Too Much?

But, see, this I did find: God made men plain, but they have engaged in too much reasoning.  Ecclesiastes 7:29  NJPS

Too much reasoning – In our culture, this statement must seem nearly absurd.  We laud reasoning.  We extol intellect.  In fact, our culture believes that the solution of every problem begins in the mind.  Knowledge is power, right?  From politics to psychology, what matters most is understanding the issue and making clear, rational decisions based on that understanding.  When we read a verse like this one, we are apt to conclude that religion is irrational or at best, deliberately ignorant.  Religion is a crutch for the feeble-minded; those who haven’t the courage or the capacity for really serious examination of the facts.  We walk away from belief because it seems to appeal to the simple-minded and emotionally dependent.  We want the facts, the hard facts and compelling arguments to go with them.  Too often it seems that religious people spurn reason.


Is that what Qohelet means?  Is it really true that in order to believe you must put your intellect on the shelf?  If we examine his logic, we may conclude otherwise.

The translation above is from the New Jewish Publication Society Tanakh.  If you read this verse in the NASB, it is completely different.  “ . . . God made men upright, but they have sought out many devices.”  In the NASB translation, the issue is not cognitive, it is moral.  The NASB translation suggests that men are born with a right relationship with God but they pursue “devices,” that is, those schemes and implements that lead them astray.  But a quick look at the NJPS version tells us something important:  this verse is difficult to translate.  We must be on the lookout for presuppositions.  The Hebrew phrase is hishvonot rabim.  It is used in 2 Chronicles 26:15 for engines or machines of war.  That is the only other verse using hishvonot.  Here in Ecclesiastes, Qohelet seems to be speaking about counting (see verse 27) so the context probably dictates that we translate this word as “calculations” or “plans.”  Of course, in this verse, these are evil plans since they twist what God originally designed to be straight.  If Qohelet is reflecting on the history of human beings, it is clear that Man was created in perfect harmony with God and that Man bent the relationship by following his own plans rather than God’s design.  In either case, whether we follow Chronicles or the context of Ecclesiastes, this word doesn’t seem to be about reason but rather about schemes that lead toward destruction.  The Teacher is not telling us that we think too much.  He is telling us that reason without the boundaries of revelation leads us over a cliff.  He is telling us that reason alone cannot get us out of our dilemmas.  We can’t think our way out of the box.  The wisest man still ends up in the grave right next to the fool.

There is a strain within Christendom that is anti-intellectual.  It proclaims the priority of “only believe” and shuns debate, inquiry and exploration.  This is either lazy religion or spiritual fear.  If my desire for religious security requires me to shut my eyes to evidence and argument, then I haven’t encountered the God of the prophets or the Lord of King David.  Heschel reminds us that the Bible is a book of confrontation.  These words challenge us to live and to think differently, to engage the world equipped for combat, to ask questions, even of the Almighty.  Yes, it’s true that worshipping Reason leads to epistemological suicide, but shunning reasonable inquiry is just as dangerous.  Open your mind.  Search.  Ask.  Study.  It’s OK.  God can handle it.

Topical Index:  reason, calculations, machines, Ecclesiastes 7:29, hishvonot rabim


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carl roberts

“All we like sheep have gone astray..”- Why? (keep asking why..)

“Ask and you will receive..” (keep on asking..and you will receive..)

“seek and you will find..” (keep on seeking.. and you will find..)

“knock (persisitent, patient knocking) and it shall be opened unto you..”

What shall be opened? The very eternal, life-giving, life-sustaining word(s) of G-d.

“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. (Isaiah 1.18)

Reason? First, there must be facts. (Just the facts m’am..) And here is (only) one: “Christ Jesus died for sinners of whom I am chief..” Oh, but wait..- this dear friends is only the beginning.. there is more..(so much more!)

Jan Carver

thank you again Carl for your precise succinct answer comment to commentary this fine & splendid morning of lots of rain thunder lightening…

although this is what we call “bedlam” day in Oklahoma – the 2 state schools battle it out in football & this year it is in “stillwater” i myself sure would not want to be sitting out in the weather to attend…

reasoning it will be better to sit inside our fine little homes God given & watch the battle on the tv…

course i don’t even know what time it starts… 🙂

thank you Carl again for always being there 4 us with the TRUTH, THE WAY, THE LIFE – if even it may not be written in Hebrew – it is all some of us know but learning more through Skip…

i always appreciate your facts, Carl in the midst of confusion – they are stalwart & comforting… ♥

ms. jan carver

Jan Carver

“We can’t think our way out of the box.”

i loved this sentence because 4 so long we have heard the catch phrase we must “think outside of the box” when we actually can’t… 😉 or does it mean that we can stay inside the box & just think outside of it – is that what dreams are made of – but what good are dreams if we can only dream inside the box but we can’t think/dream/reason our way out of the box???

“Heschel reminds us that the Bible is a book of confrontation. These words challenge us to live and to think differently, to engage the world equipped for combat, to ask questions, even of the Almighty. Yes, it’s true that worshipping Reason leads to epistemological suicide, but shunning reasonable inquiry is just as dangerous. Open your mind. Search. Ask. Study. It’s OK. God can handle it.”

oh, i so agree the Bible is a book of confrontation 4 sure… to engage the world equipped 4 combat is totally controversial to anything i hear today – it is all about peace, peace, peace when there is no peace but it gets crammed down our throats every day & those who are loyal yokefellows know it is a lie…

here again i agree: “shunning reasonable inquiry is just as dangerous. Open your mind. Search. Ask. Study. It’s OK. God can handle it.” God can handle it but most people/sheeple can’t & even here i have been persecuted for doing such… 🙁

ms j

carl roberts

It is amazing that we, the creatures are “allowed” to question our Creator. But remember.., love is a choice! “Choose you this day who you will “avad..” (avad: to love-serve-work-worship).
Daddy, why can’t I have a puppy? “” Go away kid- you bother me..” No, not at all, I, as a father to my own children delight to engage in conversation with them and that is what prayer is: an ongoing conversation with our heavenly Father..
Carl, do you talk with G-d? lol! – All the time..- twenty four seven, I delight in “nothing between my soul and the Savior!” And again.. how much of prayer is listening? lol! – technically? – “gobs!”

carl roberts

~~I therefore urge you, brothers, in view of G-d’s mercies/lovingkindnesses to offer your bodies as living sacrifices that are holy and pleasing to G-d, for this is the reasonable (reasonable? -why?) way for you to worship.~~ (Romans 12.1)

~~And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of G-d is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.~~ (Romans 12.2)

Maybe (Skip) we could spend a week or so “unpacking” these two verses?

Is It Any Wonder?

When I think how Jesus loved me
How he waited patiently
Even when I turned my back and walked away.
When he knew I wanted everything this world could offer me,
Then I guess he knew the price I’d have to pay.
So he watched me stumble downward,
Saw each compromise I made,
Heard each lie I whispered just to get my way.
Still he waited there to hear me
When I cried to Him and prayed
Then He saved my soul and that is why I say

Tell me, is it any wonder that I love Him
When you consider all He’s done for me?
And is it any wonder that I want to do His will
And let His light shine out for all to see?
And is it any wonder that I praise him
Each time I think of how He’s set me free?
And is it any wonder that I’ve given Him my heart,
When Jesus freely gave His life for me?

When I think how Jesus loves me,
How He watches patiently
How His arms are stretched to meet me when I run.

When I’m feeling down and lonely,
How He’s there to comfort me.
In the darkness He becomes my morning sun.

When I think of how He’s healed me,
How He’s touched me in my pain
How his gentle hand have wiped my tears away.

How He’s taken every heartache and brought happiness again
Then I want the world to hear me when I say:

Tell me, is it any wonder that I love Him
When you consider all He’s done for me?

And is it any wonder that I want to do His will
And let His light shine out for all to see?

And is it any wonder that I praise him
Each time I think of how He’s set me free?

And is it any wonder that I’ve given Him my heart,
When Jesus freely gave His life for me?


*Eugenics is very rational.

*The Verification Principle would be great if it could be verified.

*The movie “Soylent Green” is the next logical step in recycling.

Proverbs 14:12 – “There can be a way which seems right to a person, but at its end are the ways of death.”