Some Facts About Our Community

After my return from South Africa I took a look at the statistics for the At God’s Table and Today’s Word email lists. I found some important trends that I think you should know about.

1. The number of people who have LEFT the email list is 8 times greater than the number who have joined. It isn’t a lot of people, but the trend is not in the right direction. I would be very interested in your comments on this. One thing I learned in South Africa is that many people FORWARD the email to others. This is well-intentioned but it circumvents the need for others to actually join. What do you think? Why are people leaving? Am I pushing them away?

2. The “open rate” (the number of people who actually open the email Today’s Word on the day it arrives) is about 39% and has stayed at that rate for a long time. This means the 61% of the community is not reading Today’s Word on the day it arrives. I find this disheartening. Again, what do you think?

3. The total number of subscribers to Today’s Word has grown, but the pace is slowing down. There are now 1195 subscribers. But of this number, less than 300 are regular supporters. Again, I find this discouraging. I wonder if I am doing something wrong, perhaps not really meeting the needs of the community. Someone in Africa told me that I use too many big words. Do you think this is a problem? I need to know how to serve you better.

4. Finally, 83% of my readers are in the USA. The rest are spread around the world. But other than South Africa, nearly all the support comes from the USA. I wonder if it is just too difficult to actively support At God’s Table from overseas. Can I do anything about that? Support for At God’s Table is also declining and has been for the last several months. This concerns me but I don’t know if I should do anything about it or not. What do you think?

I am not suggesting that the community must grow to survive. This is God’s project so He will do what He wants with it. I just want to be of best service to as many as I can without losing the emphasis of DEPTH, not breadth. I really want to serve you, so please let me know what else I can do.


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Michael and Arnella Stanley

Many are culled, and (we) few are choosy. 

I remember you telling me once that you don’t write TW for us, but for you and we are just along for the ride or words to that effect.  So what has changed? Demographics, numbers, gifts, support, interest… So what? When I buy a ticket on an airplane I already know where I’m going; I’m trusting  the pilot to have the skills and professionalism to get me there (no matter the weather, air traffic, mechanical failures, etc.) He never asks how many passengers are aboard or if this flight route is profitable, nor does he ask me where I want to go, how best to do his job or even if I thought the ticket price was too high or low. That may be someone else’s job at the airline, but his job as pilot is defined and limited. While i understand you are the CEO of SkipAir and wear many hats, let me remind you that no matter how how many tickets the ticket agent sells, or how many bags the ground crew manhandles or what the VP or accountant does, unless the pilot shows up for work there ain’t nobody going nowhere! You are the chief pilot and we know we are in capable hands. You have proven your ability to get your passengers from point A to point B over and over again-with out any fatalities-as far as I know.  In the airline business there are cancellations, delays, passenger  bumps, turbulent air, emergency landings, complaints, ticket cost increases, lost luggage,  bouts of air sickness, etc., but the pilot still flies the plane day in day out getting people where they are going because of his pilot training, professionalism and the laws of aerodynamics. You, as our pilot,  have the laws of hermunecits and you have  honed your skills as a thinker, philosopher, disciple and communicator and none can gainsay your professionalism. So while you have other obligations and roles in SkipAir I suggest you concentrate on the one thing that you do best and leave the rest to those to whom you can responsibly delegate your authority. And then let it go. 
Thank you that my belly is filled every day and my spirit is stronger because of my place at Gods Table. May He continue to bless you and yours. Michael S.

Judi Baldwin

Bravo Michael…well said!!

Lois Filipski

I am fairly new to TW. I feel like God has led me to a treasure. There is depth to what is taught here.
I am learning so much about Hebrew language and love the word pictures and ideas. I feel challenged and enjoy pondering what you write about and what others share.
Most of all I feel like I have ‘come home’ as a woman; from your teaching, I feel comfortable with my strength and can understand my husband’s resistance and handle it.
Thank you so much for being you!


I appreciate your teachings and the language you use to do so. I am sorry I do not open the e mail every day because I do not have the Internet at my house and am very busy during the day. So I read them when I have a few spare minutes. Thank you and keep it up Ethan Rudometkin

Patti Stenger

I know I have not been reading your posts regularly like I had been but it has nothing to do with you.
I would have to second what Michael said, and so many others it could not be better put. I have loved your daily words even though I don’t always understand some of the references I trust the Lord will show me.
I would love to support more but at this time money is very tight and I give to my local home church.
I do not pass along your posts and when I have printed them it was to get others to sign up for them.
I save every one of them to come back to again and again when time permits for they are a treasure that can not be measured.
You are a blessing from the sound of it to many of us.
Continue to be lead of the Spirit and obedient only to Him and you will never fail…

Richard Tuttle

Dear Skip,
May I share a scripture that I shared with our Intercessor group this afternoon: 2 Tim 4:2-5. This came to me after reading your e-mail this morning. I sense we are starting to see a greater falling away than we have experienced in the past and your messages are not for those who want their “ears tickled'” Your post about “where do we go now” is where we may be in the near future. As and elder in my church I feel it is a God given responsibility to share true meaning of the scripture and that does not go well when it collides with entrenched traditions and or “replacement theology” positions. I have learned so much from your teaching and it has been like a breath of fresh air. Be encouraged and keep up the great work that you have been entrusted with. Dick


You have been so faithful with the TW I wonder after reading your post if the Lord isn’t giving you a promotion or something? I just started reading a few months ago, love the TW every morning, it is my favorite email! God can stir people up and make things uncomfortable, like a baby eagle getting pushed out of the nest so he can flap his wings to save his life and fly. I just read your book about time, and so we know God has already been here and has prepared you for victory. There is a inherent separation between you and us, by nature of the format. Social media and lives are transitioning into more relationally based connections, we are called to local influence and then widening out. There is no internal belonging with tangible rewards such as group leader or identity roles other than teacher/student. Maybe your media structure could transition into a more interactive people tend to emulate their inspirations, and you seem kind of rogue. I vote for you to stay!

John K.

Hi Skip,

I write you to give feedback as you asked for in this post. First, you stated, “Why are people leaving? Am I pushing them away?” My answer would be a resounding NO, you are not pushing them away! In my opinion many people do NOT want to hear truth, whether it be from God’s Word, their pastor, their friend(s), or anyone else for that matter and so it’s easier to exit an e-mail list that results in their being confronted with truth every day than it is to do the hard work of self examination- as we’re taught to do by Scripture.

Regarding the “open rate” I can only say that with very few exceptions, I fall into the 39% that DO open Today’s Word on the day I receive it. In fact, I look forward to the new TW each day and usually make it one of the first emails I open. Travel and/or the occasional “uh-ohs” first thing in the morning do cause me to fall behind a day or so, but that is the exception and not the rule. Like your statistic bears out, only about 4 in 10 folks open and/or act on their emails in a timely fashion, but that seems to be common to their email in general, not just your TW.

I have to admit, I am guilty of feasting at God’s Table through TW and NOT being a regular supporter. Frankly, I am without excuse. God has richly blessed me above and beyond measure and while I make a regular habit of giving to my church, I must confess that I am not as faithful to give to the various periphrial ministries, such as God’s Table, through which I am fed and ministered to as well. Perhaps your post is to serve as a wake-up call to me concerning this matter.

As for the comment that you use too many big words, may I suggest the use of a dictionary to those folks? I’m not making light of this observation as I am only a high school graduate myself and frankly there are times that I utilize a dictionary to ascertain the definition of a word or words that you have used. What of it? You’re not the only author who causes me to use a dictionary and at the end of the day I feel I have learned something versus reading something that has been “dumbed down.” With the easy access to dictionaries via the Internet that we all have, bristling at having to look up a word now and then is, in my opinion, laziness.

In closing let me say that I very much look forward to and enjoy TW. I also have purchased several of your books and audio downloads. Keep up the good work and may God continue to bless you and yours.


Skip,My husband and I are new to TW. We are so thankful for your teaching and regularly tell others about the excellent resources we have found in the audio teaching and in TW. Your teaching has been a big part in our home becoming a place of study. This Shabbat there will be ten hungry truth seekers gathered in our living room to listen with us to your World View Audio teachings. Our heart is for community and our hope is that this will be the beginning. We are all so excited!
As for your questions … On occasion, when Abba prompts me I have forwarded a TW to a friend. I know that at least two of those times subscriptions to TW resulted. Others have told me they have used your sight to look up a topic of interest. I did that for some time before I subscribed to the 30 day trial. I stumbled onto your sight doing some word studies of my own.
My husband and I read the TW early in the morning on our phones the day it arrives. Many nights it is the topic of conversation at our dinner table in the evenings. I try to make time later mid day to read later posted comments and dialog. Those comments are just as important to me sometimes as the TW and where the community aspects come into play. But I do not always have time to go back and read them. Then before I know it, it’s a new day, a new TW and I still have not read yesterdays comments. Some days the teaching is wonderfully meaty but I never truly have the time I need to fully digest it before another meaty TW arrives the next morning. Sometimes I have a comment or question but another TW is rushing me forward before I can post my question for the previous TW. I would prefer if you did not work so hard Skip!! Seriously, when do you sleep? My preference would be a TW every few days. It is not a stretch for me to imagine how some people would get overwhelmed and drop their subscription.
I like “big words” and the way you present information. I have a humble high school education and at times the words and concepts on TW stretch me but my thirsty brain totally digs it! I have learned so much from taking the time to look up words and concepts new to me, write notes and dig deeper on my own. But, according to my husband, I am not the norm. His higher education makes your writing not a stretch for him yet he is of the opinion that a simplified vocabulary would make your insights more accessible to the average person. He is very sensitive to the needs of others on this point and even tells me I lose people with my “big words”.
Thank you for all your hard work. Those we are building community with here in Centralia Washington say, THANK YOU!
Blessings> Tanya

Richard McDonald


TW is unique. I save all of them for further study. God has given you a tremendous gift. I will continue to support you and your ministry in the days ahead.
I have purchased all of your materials and I love to hear your audio lectures when they are posted to your Website.
Occasionally I forward some of the daily studies to a few friends for discussion. You have challenged me in many ways in seeking the truths revealed by God. I too pray that you continue to seek God’s wisdom. Do not be discouraged. There are many out here praying for you daily and I am one of them.

God Bless you Skip.


Hi there Skip,
It seems that you are having some doubts concerning validation. If these testimonies and notes of encouragement leave you with lingering doubt, maybe you should take a break and see how you feel about it then.
Although it is a given in this present age, the measure of success questions constantly arise and it seems we drift so easily in the direction of that trap. I hope you have not been exposing yourself to the “success” of others’ ministries like preachers talk and compare their attendance numbers.
If your thoughts and findings were not in my inbox, I would sorely miss you! Is it fair for me to say that though? Are you overwhelmed and need some down time?
Praying for you to receive comfort and solid direction from our Father.

Christine Hall

Hi Skip

I echo much of what has been said. I am in Ethiopia where we have so many problems and access to Internet can be sparodic . I first came to TW wen on the net searching for a word on Greek:Hebrew and I was hooked and said at last someone with depth and scholarship. I try to read every day but my life so busy I often can’t and wen I do want to the Internet may not work. I have written about donating but lost your reply and wen I wrote again got no reply. I can’t send easily and don’t do PayPal. But I could do a bank transfer to your acct!!
Many are called and few chosen… Just remember no rewards here just ‘those that sow in tears shall reap in joy… He that goes forward bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves. Pam 126:5,6. I love TW and the comments wen I can read them so please keep going as you are. I share here when there is an opening – very fee – but it is always thought provoking and my wonderful Ethiopian husband loves me reading them and explaining them due to his level of English … But he loves words and loves learning and was amazed at you teaching on the ezerkenegdo. Be blest look at how many of us love TW just the way you do it – challenge exhort and teach truth! Thanks skip with fond regards Christine and Haile

Rodney Dow

We personally really benefit from reading the daily notes. We have suggested to several friends to join, but some have stopped receiving the update. They said it was too much for them every day!

We read every daily communication, but not always the same day , as we travel a little on ministry. Some I put in a specal file for continued research later. Which I do read every one.

We support the ministry every now & then, but not on a monthly basis. We support a lot of work in India where we spend a lot of our time.
I did send an e-mail a while ago for advice on a reliable Hebrew bible/ english translation but did not receive a reply.
I personally also appreciate the occassional photographs.

Thank you for yourvaluble help in growing.

Rodney Dow


I am so encouraged by seeing the number of people in the community that have responded to this post – names I have not seen before. Then I realize my name is probably not recognized by most as I have only posted a few times with comments to your TW. I must do a better job posting and sharing my thoughts and comments – as we all should. I am often intimidated by the responses that seem to indicate a grasp the ideas when I am usually left with my head spinning for some time as I weigh out the implications in my life. I was raised in “church” but certainly not in “community” and it is a struggle to tear down the walls and rebuild on a true foundation.

In my answer to your questions:

1 – recently there have been a few more difficult thoughts in your TW – perhaps that has made an impact on some – chased a few away? I do not know of any personally so this is just a guess. It has caused me to think about the few people that I know that would be strengthened by being a part and I realize I need to get them to this “feeding trough.” I would be curious to know how long those “leaving the community” actually were a part of it. Are they being considered as joining just because the bought one of your books or audios? They may never have intended to or realized how this community works. Perhaps a page on the site that explains your vision of what this community is would be a help. Some of us don’t get it very quickly. My wife is incredible at internet community and ministers via many different sites touching lives she will perhaps never meet this side of heaven. I, on the other hand, can only site back in amazement at the gift!

2 – the “open rate” doesn’t mean a whole lot. I am up and reading the TW directly from the website and only save the email for future reference. It sounds like many are doing the same thing. I very rarely miss a TW from the website – it starts my day!

3 – I truly believe economics play a big part here. I know for my wife and myself, we desire to give on a more regular basis but in our profession (real estate) it is often “feast or famine” – the last few years mostly famine (this is not a complaint as YHVH has been so faithful!). Probably won’t ever be able to gift on a “regular basis” but will be there.

4 – I’m in the US so don’t really know on this one.

Be encouraged, Skip. You are in our prayers continuously. We so want to meet face-to-face and can’t wait until your next trip to Washington State. We planned on seeing you last trip but I ended up sick and didn’t want to pass that around.

Ric & Daria


Skip you’re blessing me with your words every day. I agree with most that was said, so I’ll not repeat it. In short, just keep the good work and don’t be discouraged. There is absolutely nothing wrong with TW. Not so sure about our priorities and management of time, though. =)

bessy bendana

Dear Skip,

After getting to know you pretty well when I translated your work to Spanish, I learned several things about your work. It’s academic, but also intensely personal and sometimes very emotionally raw, to the point of pain. You sometimes reflect our innermost struggles with God, our relationships and mostly, our own behavior. Not for everyone. It’s more than just learning Scripture word by word, it’s about changing and evolving as we learn. Sometimes the cultural crossover is difficult, but as humans we share the same issues, so it eventually applies to all. You say things I don’t want to hear and don’t give me much room to justify my sinful behavior against your highly academic, well constructed and Scripturally based arguments. For some it may just be too much. Even our Yeshua got the same reactions sometimes, but we don’t see Him chasing after anyone.

The Lord chose YOU to write this material. He knows you and how your mind works, and it may be that He chose you to send a message to a few and not the masses. Wouldn’t be the first time. Like aunt Mercedes says, The Lord sent us to be fishers of men, not to clean fish (dont know if that’s a good translation). Let the Word do the cleansing. If some cannot bear to hear it, so be it.


Daria (Ric's wife)

Good SNOWY morning from northcentral WA state, USA!
First, I APPLAUD Bessy… and her Aunt Mercedes! Everything (they both) said is RIGHT ON.

Skip, WE LOVE YOU and we praise God for you DAILY. We pray for you all the time and we CANNOT IMAGINE OUR DAYS WITHOUT YOU. We especially spend time “with you” on Sabbaths.
Your teachings, for us, are like manna in the wilderness. They are our nutrition, our substance. Sometimes, we question “WHAT IS THIS STUFF?” and we have to chew on it for awhile. Sometimes we don’t like it. Sometimes, we wonder if you are nuts… or more probably that WE ARE! As my husband, Ric, explained, we come from “church.” Breaking out of that hypnosis, that spiderweb of trappings, can be a slow process.

Personally, I am SO THANKFUL for this fellowship the Internet is (almost) our ONLY fellowship, your site being one of few that we cherish. I desire to be here more but I am disabled and, living in constant pain +++ a zillion other symptoms, including visual disturbances, prevents me from being on the computer even as much as is already required of me. BUT WE ARE HERE…definitely in Spirit. I’m thinking you might have our phone #. CALL US ANY TIME when you are feeling down and needing to have “your arms held up.” Seriously, we are here and WE LOVE YOU.

Your final statement about wanting to serve us should tell all of us here that WE ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Stay focused, Brother. Seek Yeshua HaMashiach’s smiling face and caress as He sees you desiring to serve YHVH through HIM. Keep going, day by day. We NEED you.

As I close, I quote Bessy: “You say things I don’t want to hear and don’t give me much room to justify my sinful behavior against your highly academic, well constructed and Scripturally based arguments.” Wow, Skip… thank you.

Daria (Ric's wife)

Note to Christine and Haile:
I would like to make contact with you. I have Ethiopia on my heart continually as I had a dear friend from “the bush” there who died many years back. Her name was Werke, which means “Made of Gold” I believe… and she was VERY PRECIOUS.
If you go to my website,, you can contact me there.


Hi Skip this one sure brought a lot of folks out of the woodwork! As you can see from the date of this post I rarely read an article on the day it is first posted. From the consensuses of posts I can see that I am not alone in that, and I don’t see it as a problem so don’t sweat the insignificant.

I am sorry that you are worried about people leaving the leaving the email list and are doubting yourself. Don’t, it is more likely that you are doing something right rather than something wrong. Jesus never pulled any punches. He always told the truth, true it got Him killed but He is our ideal role model so I’d say that the closer you get to being crucified, actually or figuratively, the closer to the mark you are getting. If people don’t want to hear the truth, well they didn’t want to hear God say it first.

Many of the problems that modern Christendom has is the pagan heresies that have have been adopted into it. Heresies that an honest scrutiny of the scriptures such as you do reveals. Many of which are the very same Greek influenced Gnostic teachings that Paul was refuting. Teachings that now many well meaning but deceived people use his very words to defend. Such things can be hard to hear, but that does not mean they should not be said. Jer 2:11 Has a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which does not profit. Deu 5:29 O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!

Don’t despair Skip you are doing God’s work. Joh 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Joh 15:18 If the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. Luk_6:22 Blessed are you, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.

Definitely DO NOT water down, or dumb down the Word, Paul’s admirable wish to win some souls for Christ by being all things to all men carried to extremes may have been the door by which some unintentionally (or intentionally) let the actual heresy he preached against in. That’ just dancing with the Devil! Don’t ever waffle with the truth, we are all so thirsty and hungry and have been starved for far too long. So keep dishing it out, His sheep will keep coming back!

Isa 55:11 So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
A friend forwarded TW to me for some time before I started reading it and realized the value of the post. This was a good thing!

This may not be your cup of tea but I admired Billy Graham for many years and it always impressed me that he made his financial statements public. Times are hard people are disillusioned by hucksters. Everybody and his brother has his hand out. It is off putting.

I am not saying that the that the ox should be muzzled, or that the laborer is not worth his hire. That you have legitimate expenses is a given. Still!? I once gave a donation to the mission helping Jews leave Russia and return to Palestine. I made a point of telling them my finances were finite and to not put me on a mailing list soliciting more money! I don’t know if they were ligit of not, but after several months of begging letters, far more than my five or ten dollar donation’s worth, in exasperation I told to take me off the list altogether, and I told them why. I may as well have flushed the money for all the good it did! I know you don’t do that and are to be commended for it however it might be reassuring to see it black and white. Just a thought.

I like many others am praying for you, and with my (not widow’s) mite will send what and when it is possible. Last month bills exceeded income by three dollars and I wouldn’t make it but for the kindness of others. Know that your TW site is a treasure that enriches more than you can know, and more than money can buy. Thank you for it! toni ( Ann)



Hi Skip,

Glad to see such good responses

The first thing I do every day is read Today’s Word

My modem was broken so I have been less responsive than usual

Keep up the great work



Skip it is good to be concerned about wanting to do a good job. Electronic media and be isolating on the one hand and yet can let the isolated connect to others near and far on the other, usually far. But it must be disconcerting to not look out on a room and see actual faces. You get to do that some but when the markers that tell you how you are doing are sending you mixed messages it must be unsettling. I hope the response to this blog has reassured you. I am sure that those that have replied are the tip of the iceberg and speak for the many that did not. You are doing something important and No One Else is doing what you are. At least not that I have found. Your work is important and you are doing it well. It is needed and appreciated!! t


Skip – I enjoy watching Antiques Roadshow. One particular episode came to mind as I was reading one of your books (any of them would elicit the same response). In that particular episode, a lady brought some jade pieces that her father had collected during his time in China. She said she had seen them around the house throughout her childhood. They were just always there. She wanted to know if they were genuine and if they had any value. The final verdict: Yes, the four pieces were authentic, and, yes, they had value – between $1 million and $1.3 million.That is what TW is like for me. Now I see the depth, the clear sharp focus. and how my life can be healed and whole. And all that you say leads me to the experience of greatest value – seeking, knowing, trusting, obeying God. He is so great and vast and pure and holy that there will never be an end to the seeking, to the gratitude for His hesed.
This community is the only one to which I belong, and learning from you, from the community’s comments gives my solitude richness, meaning, focus, color, texture and light to the progress along the path to knowing YHVH. Thank you doesn’t even come close to expressing my gratitude for what you do, the difference your work have made. Susan


Dear brother,

Should Yeshua tarry your words today will impact future generations through having changed just a few of us. Abraham’s faithfulness produced a single offspring and look at where we are today because of Isaac. Andrew brought Peter to Yeshua and look at what happened. Henry Scougal wrote “The Life of God in the Soul of Man” and George Whitefield gained an understanding of God’s love that carried him through the great awakening.

We seldom get to see the fruit of our own labor. I dare say we usually reap where others have sown.

I appreciate the books I’ve been able to purchase. Your work has stretched and helped me immensely. And this remains to this day the only blog I participate in because this community is filled with thoughtful like minded folks who dig deep and have an honest hunger and thirst for spirit and truth.

I open my email daily except on rare occasions and I share your messages with others. They are often not well received. But The folks I know are not friendly toward the Hebraic worldview. They tend to look at Hebrew as a reference tool with little value beyond what they can parse. They don’t even think that pronunciation is important. What can you do what someone like that?
Can we say pray?

That doesn’t diminish the importance of your work. I’m committed to supporting other things but I buy your books when I can. I so appreciate the resource recommendations you’ve given. I’m about half way through “The Ways That Never Parted” The first chapter gave a clarity to somethings that I’ve been able to share effectively with several others that has shifted their paradigm. That’s the fruit of your labor.

Perhaps it’s not a good idea to be taking a census. They usually become the source of either discouragement or pride. You can’t know by any survey what kind of impact you are having. None of us can.


Shalom Shalom my friend


For you my friend. Get some rest.

“If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation it must be by other means than any now being used. If the church…is to recover from the injuries she suffered, there must appear a new type of preacher. The proper, ruler-of-the-synagogue type will never do. Neither will the priestly type of man who carries out his duties, takes his pay and asks no questions, nor the smooth-talking pastoral type who knows how to make the Christian religion acceptable to everyone. All these have been tried and found wanting. Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes (and I pray God there will not be one but many) he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear. He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. “- A.W. Tozer

Erev Shabbat Shalom


The self-righteous man echoes throughout scripture and the lesson therein what we have mostly missed, yet begin to grasp, His will not ours, I pray.

I respect and appreciate what Dr. Moen is doing here, thank you Achi. Shalom in Y’Shua.

Michael & Chari

Skip, I chose to respond without reading any of the other posts, because I didn’t want to be influenced one way or the other. My ‘ezer has encouraged me to write to you. Forgive all the superfulous information. We are three years out of Babylon, left the custom home (we built), (in Kissimmee), and are currently living by His leading in the Rockies. Our understanding of what the Father intended our married life to be was greatly helped by your book, Guardian Angel. We were a fair example of it but didn’t know why we were so unique. Caught a lot of flack.
Concerning “Todays word” let me say I am always challenged by your writing. We are not always able to open them on the day you write due to a lack of electricity or poor internet connection. I have not felt that your use of vocabulary is problematic, but my second favorite book is the dictionary. Our ability to support any ministry has been greatly reduced by our largely agrarian lifestyle.
Keep the faith. We love what you do.
Without wax, Michael


Hi Michael & Chari

I think that you make a good point about the dictionary

Skip’s writing is often about explaining the Hebrew dictionary

Most of us don’t know that much about the Greek or Hebrew language

Or the Greek distortion of the Hebrew worldview in the Bible

But if you’re a Christian, reading through Skip’s difficult text

Some folks might feel offended to find that their religion

Does not reflect the values or the concepts of the early Christians

And wonder if all the difficult analysis is worth the intellectual effort


It is pure joy and pleasure to explore, discover and connect the dots.
It is exciting to see the biblical text revealed, to mine its depths.
I don’t think I could do it any other way now.

Hi Skip,

I agree completely

A professor of mine once said that some folks believe

That if you can’t write about a subject, you can’t really understand it

So I often take one or two of you points and try to relate them to my experience

For me that is a lot of fun, but it takes me some intellectual effort

To get the most out of what you are teaching 🙂


Another approach I take is to try to summarize some of your key points

And then you can respond if I don’t quite understand what you are saying

I think we might have to go through that process to get the most out of it

My 2 cents 🙂

Michael & Chari

Thanks Skip.
We love to share how YHWH is leading us.
I am somewhat reluctant, only because others might assume our path can be their formula. Let me suggest that there is only one formula; “radical obedience”.

Our departure from Babylon resulted from a Michael Rood YouTube about the origins of Christmas. We were convicted for our ostentatious display in honor of this fraudulent holiday. Looking through the tears of repentance, as we watched the trash men load barrel after barrel of our unholy accoutrements to pagan festivals into the garbage truck, we got our first glimpse of “Babylon in us”.

How had this happened? We were married (thirty years earlier) in the church, and had dedicated our lives to following Jesus. It was not uncommon for us to close down our construction business and spend a couple years in a bible school or volunteer with a missionary organization.

So, how is it possible that we found ourselves downtown Babylon, in every area of our lives? Our ideas about wealth, our choices of entertainment, and our faith in a system of salvation, were all the result of billboards in Babylon.

In September 2009 YHWH began to lead us out of our delusion. For us, that meant walking away from everything familiar.

A friend sent us a copy of Warren Bowles, Christianity Reconsidered, which we slammed on the table several times as we read it. We were hungry for truth, and no matter how much it hurt, we had to know. We tried to share what we were learning with others only to be rejected and ridiculed.

We soon recognized that our lives would never be the same, but we never felt so alive. We couldn’t get enough, and the scripture is true which says “… those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, shall be filled”. Abba, in His great mercy, led us to a flood of resources. I had never read so many books in one year, nor videos watched, nor logged so many hours online.

We spent our last thousand dollars at Motel 6, in October. It was ten degrees outside (in the sun). We had no idea where we would go. Abba wasn’t worried.

We now have a dozen animals and a small place to call home, until He calls. We are learning to garden and try to contribute to the local community.

I wish I could say “Babylon is… ” fill in the blank. But it is not that simple.
Our ability to leave Babylon is only as effective as our ability to get Babylon out of us.

He has warned us to flee, and I believe He will lead us like a Good Shepherd. Our job is to be ready.
We cannot love anyplace or anything so much that we would look back.

Following the Leader,

Bob Naugle

Skip, Ref your letter requesting our opinions, for #1 – I don’t know why people are leaving, but you are NOT pushing them away. Their departure is a self-motivated action. For #2 – Many (like me) are busy and prefer to accumulate a few in order to review them and score them together. This does not reduce their value nor their effectiveness. For #3 – You don’t use too many big words (for me). For #4 – As you say, ” This is God’s project so He will do what He wants with it.” and I would not fret.

Hope this relieves some anxiety.

Regards and shalom,

Bob Naugle

Marjorie Culbertson

I am so enriched by reading your devotionals. I forwarded the one you sent the day after the election to my family and friends. They in turn sent it to their friends. It was so profound. I copied it and am sending it to a friend who doesn’t have email. I do not always open the devotionals on the day you send them, because I want to have the time to digest them when I do read them. I love the Hebrew and Greek words you include. You’ve encouraged me to take an introductory Hebrew course which I’m finding challenging. At 68 years old, I can still learn new things. You may have some new ones asking for your devotionals as I share them.