Proverbs of My Own

Know that wisdom is thus for your soul; if you find it, then there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.  Proverbs 24:14  NASB

Wisdom – Proverbs is the collection of wisdom sayings designed to awaken the reader and encourage contemplation that results in changes of behavior.  Many proverbs are now part of the culture’s colloquialisms.  Perhaps it would be a good exercise to write some of your own “wisdom” discoveries.  Here are a few of mine.

Life is hard.  Why should faith be any different?  We think faith should be easy, but it can’t be any easier than life.  In fact, it must be harder since faith is a learned behavior.

To give God glory is to second His thoughts. That means bringing my mind into alignment and acting according to His opinions, setting aside my own views and accepting the views of the One Who knows, submitting to His will. Then, and only then, will I give Him His due.

Don’t anchor your hope in the sand of terra firma. Cast those anchors on heavenly shores and wait for the tide to turn.

My suffering today pushes me toward a deeper dependency and a greater hope. I need Him. That is sometimes all that I know.

God said to Cain, “Sin crouches at the door, ready to attack, but you must master it.” The first battle of distributed authority is internal. You must get God’s point of view on the matter.

The world does not recognize servants, only celebrities. Be careful who’s applauding.

“I must decrease so that He can increase.” That’s the motto of God’s great leaders. It should also be the watchword of those in authority.

God shapes how we live and what we do, not just what we think. God’s gift is behavioral alignment and correction. A sound mind is seen in the hands and feet of obedience.

Knowledge is not my problem. Acting is my problem. So many times we know exactly what we should do. We just don’t do it.

Disobedience renders life powerless. God doesn’t have to put a spell on you. Sin has powerlessness built into it.

The great paradox of the Bible is this: You are set free so that you can choose to be a slave.

God’s operating plan for blessings is distribution, not accumulation.

Topical Index:  proverbs, wisdom, Proverbs 24:14

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Peter Alexander

The art of statesmanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite its occurrence. (Disraeli)
Stay away from people with good intentions. (Teddy Roosevelt)
Have character but don’t be one. (SEAL Team 6 proverb)
When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt. (Henry Kaiser)
In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity. (Sun Tzu)
When things get confusing get a red letter edition of the Bible and just read what Jesus said. (An unknown priest)

Craig Overmyer

Your authentic wrestling with the meaning of wisdom, free from popular religiosity is refreshing, and in alignment with Torah. Thank you. I will use this post immediately in how I show up at home, at work and with the community of faith.


“My suffering today pushes me toward a deeper dependency and a greater hope. I need Him. That is sometimes all that I know.”

AMEN! In this treacherous physical disease that involves every area of my body… that’s DIS-EASE with a capital EVERYTHING… I live this statement all the day long. Many times, I do it kicking (if I can lift my legs) and screaming (if I have the energy) at the anguish but it is a truth I know very well.

“The great paradox of the Bible is this: You are set free so that you can choose to be a slave.” AMEN! This truth has been the bedrock of my faith and what I tell others when we talk about giving themselves over to YHVH. “Getting Saved” isn’t some emotional hype (tho salvation deeply touches the emotions!) or saying “the prayer,” doing good works, going to “church,” being baptized, registering as a member of a denomination or even having Israelite blood running through your veins. My “getting saved” is the work of YHVH Who plucked me out of sure destruction: “You were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning…” Amos4:11 [in part.] PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY. I am so appreciative of Skip’s teaching on the Hebrew way of discipling. If you’ve not read it, do that.


Off the top of my head two of my own proverbs.

Every time we keep the least of the commandments, we become as the glue that binds the universe together.
Any time we break the least of the commandments, we become the solvent that dissolves that glue.

There’s just no place for the Parthenon on the Temple mount!


“There’s just no place for the Parthenon on the Temple mount!”
Love it!


Disobedience always runs against ordered sequence.
Manifestation of rebellion is indicative of underlying decay / rotteness erupting into chaos, disorder and confusion.
Love is experienced in doing (action ), and it expresses the heart of endearment to HaSHem
Change of ownership demands change of allegiance.
Ifeoma Edoziem


“The great paradox of the Bible is this: You are set free so that you can choose to be a slave.”
I choose to be a bondservant.

“Sooner or later we’re just old men in funny clothes.”​ T-Bone Wolke




The idea of disregarding Torah and the Tanak in general:

“A bad idea, even if shared by many, doesn’t make it a good idea.”

May YHWH continue to bless you and the ministry you are providing Mr. Skip!


The truth is enough.


So sorry for your pain Daria. I’m not on the internet every day so I wasn’t aware of your condition.

“am so appreciative of Skip’s teaching on the Hebrew way of discipling. If you’ve not read it, do that.”
Which teaching are you referring to?


Daria I tried to post a response to this but it somehow wound up beneath the other posts

david watkins

The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom; And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. -Prov 9:10

Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid. -John Wayne


“Life is hard. Why should faith be any different?” This bring to mind Ecclesiastes- the rich and the poor, they go to the same place, i.e. turn to dust, but NOT all is vanity.

“To give God glory is to second His thoughts.” I/we second that, Skip, and applaud the rest.
Great wisdom, thank you for sharing.


“Shema Israel”

Every little pebble influences the flow of the water.

The truth will set you free. But first, it will pi** you off. -Gloria Steinem (Sorry, but I do like this quote. It has proven accurate in our lives anyway!