Purpose and Praise

The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him; my father’s God, and I will extol Him. Exodus 15:2 NASB

Praise – If we read the praises of the Lord in the Psalms, we are likely to find the verb zamar. In fact, the word “psalm” is derived from this verb (mizmor) and is often found in the titles of David’s songs. But this is not the word found on the lips of Moses. Instead, Moses uses the verb nawa(h). It’s a bit odd in this context. It is typically found in the prophets for a description where the flock rests in safety and provision. In other words, it is about pastures. Only in this verse, Exodus 15:2, does it appear in a verb form that allows us to translate it as “praise” or “beautify.” We might ask, “How does Moses connect a word about pastures with the idea of praising YHVH?” Consider the circumstances.

Moses’ song of praise occurs after the children of Israel have just been rescued by crossing the sea of reeds. They are at last out of Egypt and on their way to the Promised Land. The Promised Land is a place of milk and honey, of fertility, of freedom and, in particular, of space. In fact, in Hebrew, the idea of a broad expanse is associated with safety. So Moses praises God for demonstrating His sovereignty over the taskmasters of Egypt, for rescuing His people from extinction and for directing them toward the open pastures that await them in Canaan.

But there is another connection between pastures and praise. Terrence Fretheim’s comment about purpose helps us to see it. “Praise occurs when the creature fulfills the task for which it was created.”[1] Israel is now fulfilling the task for which it was created. It is embarking on the journey that will lead to Sinai where YHVH will announce that purpose—to be a royal priesthood as intercessors between YHVH and all the nations. Praise is inherent in the deliverance from Egypt because it is the fulfillment of God’s intention for Israel. As we read the rest of Moses’ song, we see just how deeply purpose is the foundation of Moses’ declaration. But that isn’t the limit of our analysis. Purpose underlies YHVH’s use of the sea, the wind, the opposing nations, the inhabitants of Canaan, the enemy’s pursuit, the congealed water. Each and every time the purpose of God was demonstrated, praise was written into the event. In fact, as we have mentioned before, Moses’ song also contains eschatological purpose.[2] The purposes of YHVH do not end with the last notes of this song because the last notes have not sounded, and will not sound until the resurrection from the dead. It is almost as if the notes are written on the staff of the music.[3] Perhaps your purpose isn’t just the “notes” that you declare but the lines upon which the notes are written. Perhaps your “doing” unfolds something deeper than the individual tones. Perhaps it also reveals how God writes your life according to His purposes. Baruch HaShem.

Topical Index: purpose, praise, Exodus 15:2

[1]Terrence Fretheim, God and World in the Old Testament: A Relational Theology of Creation, p. 258.

[2] https://stage.skipmoen.com/not-yet/

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staff_(music)

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carl roberts

Amen! Praise —the purpose for which we were and are created! We the creatures were created by our Creator for His praise and for His glory. And? To God be the glory!! Amen. Why? Lol. It is only because — “of Him – through Him – and to Him are ALL THINGS!!

It is (after all) He who has made us and NOT we ourselves!! Friends, “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof.”

“Thy will be done?” Beloved, – it will be done! God has glorified His Name and will yet glorify it again..

But wait!.. – there’s more.

He has given unto Him* a Name which is above every name.. Him? Who might this be, (sumdumguy inquired).

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will [and for Your pleasure] they were created and have their being.” (Revelation 4.11)

There is a “new song” yet to be sung!! What a massive choir and what a celebration that will be! (Yes, glory!!)

~ And they sang a new song: “Worthy are You to take the scroll and open its seals, because You were slain, and by Your blood You purchased for God those from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. ~
(Revelation 5:9)

~ And I heard every creature in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever.”…~ What a Day, – glorious Day, that will be!.. Baruch Hashem ADONAI!!

Great Redeemer, LORD and Master,
Light of all eternal days;

Let the saints of every nation
Sing Thy just and endless praise!

From the throne of heaven’s glory
To the cross of sin and shame.

Thou didst come to die a ransom
Guilty sinners to reclaim!

Glorious is Thy Name, O LORD!!


~ And I heard every creature in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever.”…~ What a Day, – glorious Day, that will be!.. Baruch Hashem ADONAI!!

Hi Carl, Thanks for sharing. Some days you bring a smile to my face!

Coral Lea Rutar

Oh how HE lifts me up…Oh how HE holds my reins…Oh how HIS breath HE put in me is expelled from the very particle of dust HW has created me thereof…PRAISE IS NEVER ENDING!!!

Coral Lea Rutar

edit: HW is HE


His praise should be continually be in our mouths ,

Mark Parry

Beautiful and timely. I praise God for your words as they were in direct alignment with my praises, prayers and insights in my early morning fellowship with YHVH. How does the Ruach do that? Unifying divergent hearts and minds by his spirit is such a mystery, a marvel and a wonder.

Also like Moses, the praises of the Promised Land fill my heart as we have entered into it by the Spirit. How? I inquired of the Lord as the recession hit my business in 2007 “how do I enter the promised land”? I wanted to set my eyes on the prize, my compass heading for the right direction as the great sea change flooded all our lives. His answer: “You rest into it”.

May we be diligent, then, to enter into that rest, that no one in the same example of the unbelief may fall,” Hebrews 4:11 YLT


“Perhaps it also reveals how God writes your life according to His purposes”; Yes, perhaps!
Shouldn’t that mean IF our life is in accord with His purposes, as in us living, writing our own lives deliberately (whenever we are alert) by our choices and decisions by His standards? 🙂
THEN, we shall truly praise Him!


I believe we humans have difficulty with reconciliation and restoration in our lives. It is hard to do because you do have to be vulnerable with the other person or persons.

God is in the process of restoring and reconciling the cosmos. How profound! And we get to be a part of that if we choose. How absolutely wonderful! How can we ever comprehend that kind of love?


Sorry my post was for today’s TW-It’s A Cosmic Affair
