Never Again

Some of the most moving facts of visiting churches in Italy are these:  The artistic talent of the men who did this work no longer exists.  The time it took to create these pieces of art is beyond our contemporary patience.  The devotion to their beliefs about God, even if not accurate, is a spectacle to behold.

The first of these two ceilings is painted on a FLAT surface.  The second took years of mosaic work.

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Dee Alberty

…,yes, AND the skill was often handed down from a father to his son over many generations…like a good name.

Judi Baldwin

Fortunately, “beyond our contemporary patience” doesn’t have to be a terminal illness. The question is, “do we have the desire, the will and the humility to redevelop that muscle?”


Fortunately it seems that the wages for the work at the time was catering for survival needs. This is the only reason why we have lost patience we all need to struggle to cater for our survival needs not the change we all desire through communal support.
A great lesson and fantastic pictures, thank you for sharing and reminding that talent is mastered rather than a granted…