In the third century

The transition from an Hebraic faith to a Christian religion can be seen in the art in Ravenna.  Are you going to come with us to talk about all this?

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Fascinating to see the Bull, the Lion and the Eagle depicted in the mural. They knew more than we do!

Laurita Hayes

But what may be even more fascinating is what the esoteric (insider) meaning of all those graphics vs. the exoteric (common, or, apparent) meaning was to those who commissioned the art vs. those in the community who were exposed to it? There are very pagan uses for those symbols, as well as Biblical ones. Which ones were they? And why? Could we guess? Wait: perhaps we could just ask Skip!

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Skip and others. Reminds me of the Renaissance era as described by Francis Schaeffer and how shall we then live which is available on Amazon Prime I think 6 or 10 parts excellent

Lucy Low

Hi Skip, could you provide more details on the trip?
Thank you !

Lucille Champion

Such amazing and rich history! My heritage (Italian) is chronicled there (1400’s) and across the Adriatic in Pula. We have a family reunion from time to time in that area. Haven’t been to one yet however I hear from others that it’s a beautiful experience.