
Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three, when they spoke to Pharaoh. Exodus 7:7  NASB

Eighty years old– I’m getting closer.  Today I am another year closer.  Oh, not to being Moses.  That’s never going to happen.  No, I’m just another year closer to maybe being useful to God. At least I hope so.  I can wait.  God seems to do something with us when we reach the age where life is shorter on the front end than the back.  So just a few more years to go now.

Some time ago someone collected some of the things I have written over the years.  So today, since it is my birthday, I thought you might like to read a few of them again:

The world does not recognize servants, only celebrities. Be careful.

God shapes how we live and what we do, not just what we think. God’s gift is behavioral alignment and correction. A sound mind is seen in the hands and feet of obedience.

Knowledge is not my problem. Acting is my problem. So many times we know exactly what we should do. We just don’t do it.

We have been seduced by the “kindly old grandfather” theology. Our morality is mixed up with a doctrine of fairness. But Micah clears up our confusion. God isn’t fair; He’s just. And justice is tied to “until” He acts.

The greatest paradox of the universe is that sin promises power but delivers bondage.

Do you want to experience a life of struggle and frustration? Do you want to be powerless? Let me tell you how. Disobey. The results are guaranteed.

The Bible tells me that I am not ready for freedom until I come to the point where I stop trying to get myself out. As long as I keep thinking that I will find a way out, I am lost. I have to come to a brick wall dead end before I can be free.

No English translation can be considered totally reliable. When you really want to know what the passage says, you’ll have to do a lot of comparison shopping.

There is something deep within us that rebels, something that resists no matter how much we surrender. There is an oily darkness for human domination that lubricates self-will. It’s easy to slide away.

Whenever we practice antiseptic forgiveness, we anesthetize our guilt. God wants us to know that sin brings death to the innocent.

If prayer is ultimately about walking naked in the Garden in conversation with the Lord, then how disturbing must it be to God when we attempt to converse with Him while we are clothed in deceit and disobedience. It’s enough to make Him walk away.

God’s operating plan for blessings is distribution, not accumulation.

Topical Index: sayings

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Sydney Bateman

I enjoy reading these daily messages so so much! They will last forever and touch so many hearts!

John Adam

Happy birthday, Skip! I’m grateful for your friendship.

Cyndee Sullivan

A very happy birthday, Skip! Words can’t adequately express how grateful I am for your work and your friendship. Thank you for sharing your life honestly. May you continue to flourish (Ps 92:12-15) as you write to bring glory to God in opening His word more deeply.


Hope you had a great birthday! Thanks for the full course meal:)

Michael Crase

Blessings and Shalom on the recognition of your beginning day. Thank you for pushing through and pressing on. You have been a tremendous help in my understanding of walking the proper path. Your fruit has proven to be of great value in many lives, I’m confident. Blessings to you on the unknown days ahead. As you row backwards in to the future may you maintain your focus on the high goal. Much love to you.

Claudette Knutson

Happy birthday, Skip, and Thank you for blessing us with precious nuggets of truisms from the past, still relevant today. For me you have been a gift from Jehovah. Blessings on your special day and many more


Happy Birthday! Yom hu’ledet sameach!


Happy Birthday Skip! I have been connecting with you for almost a year now and I’m so thankful that the Lord gave me YOU as a great gift! You articulate so many things that reside in my heart and my mind. You challenge me, inspire me, and make me want to empty my SELF more everyday. Thank you for your insights and many blessings for an awesome Year!


Closer. May 11, 2018.

You have used your ability to teach! You have acted and have used your knowledge to help others. Keep learning and teaching!

I know the feeling! I will soon be 61 and there’s so much work to be done with so little time left it seems. Warning others not to believe lies so they don’t ruin their lives or potential is a priority for me. One day at a time. ‘Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might…..’A lonely and complicated path at times.

I would still love to see you in Japan but I wouldn’t be able to invite you in my present situation. Too bad you couldn’t stop on the way to or back from Australia in August! I do know a lot of people in the Christian world (maybe they could help?) but I only know one other person in all of Japan who keeps the Sabbath and understands who Yahshua is but he’s in Tokyo. He was kicked out of his sort of Messianic congregation (daughter-in-law is Jewish so they meet on the Sabbath) because he doesn’t accept the idea of the Trinity anymore.

Your teaching on the history of the Trinity was good and is how I came to know of you about 2 or 3 years ago now. It wasn’t an issue for me but it led to Guardian Angel. It was about 27 years too late for me but it’s a message that must be taught. I don’t know what impact the book would have had on me if I had read it before listening to the series on YT but I will ask some Christian women and men I know to read it. Hopefully they will! So important! I would love to see it translated into Japanese!


Rachel Held Evans was mentioned in past posts so I thought I would share an article about her death but I wasn’t allowed to post it. Only 37 years old.